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官方解读的2016 SAT改革内容中文翻译

Why Has the SAT Changed?

The world needs more people who can solve problems, communicate clearly, and understand complex relationships—whether those relationships involve nations,cells,futures markets,or novels. Recent research has revealed that for too few students are fully prepared to participate in careers that require such skills.

The goal of strengthening education in the United States and around the world inspired the College Board to align the SAT with the lastest research about what students need in order to succeed after high school. The changes in the SAT are intended to provide a better,more complete picture of student readiness for college-level work while focusing the test more clearly on the knowledge,skills,and understandings that research shows are essential for college taught today,the redesigned SAT creates a stronger bond between the assessment and what students are learning in their classrooms.

While research is ongoing, we believe that the redesign of the SAT meets these goals while maintaining the test's traditional value as a predictor of readiness for success in college and career.



为了强化美国以及全世界的教育,美国大学委员会(College Board)致力于将SAT考试与研究中提到的高中毕业生所必需的职业技能匹配起来。SAT改革将帮助学生对大学课业的准备工作提供更好、更全面的规划。同时,考试把重点清晰地放在知识、技能和理解力等大学和职业预备乃至成功所必备的能力方面。此外,为了反应当今顶尖高中教授的相关的、重点突出的、严谨的课程内容,新SAT在评估标准和学生课堂内容之间建立了坚实的纽带。

