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No. 5.

Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in each passage and in any introductory material that may be provided.

Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage.

This excerpt from a novel by a Chinese American author is about a Chinese American woman named June. During a family dinner party attended by some of June's Chinese American friends, Waverly, a tax attorney, discusses an advertisement that June wrote for her.

Waverly laughed in a lighthearted way. "I mean, really, June." And then she started in a deep television-announcer voice: "Three benefits, three x needs, three reasons to buy .... Satisfaction guaranteed . . . ."

She said this in such a funny way that everybody thought it was a good joke and laughed. And then, to make matters worse, I heard my mother saying to Waverly: "True, one can't teach style. June is :») not sophisticated like you. She must have been born this way."

I was surprised at myself, how humiliated I felt. I had been outsmarted by Waverly once again, and now betrayed by my own mother.

Five months ago, some time after the dinner, my mother gave me my "life's importance," a jade pendant* on a gold chain. The pendant was not a piece of jewelry I would have chosen for myself. It was almost the size of my little finger, a mottled

10green and white color, intricately carved. To me, the whole effect looked wrong: too large, too green, too garishly ornate. I -stuffed the necklace in my lacquer box and forgot about it.

But these days, I think about my life's

15 importance. I wonder what it means, because my mother died three months ago, six days before my thirty-sixth birthday. And she's the only person I could have asked to tell me about life's importance, to help me understand my grief.

20 I now wear that pendant every day. I think the carvings mean something, because shapes and details, which I never seem to notice until after they're pointed out tome, always mean something to Chinese people. I know I could ask Auntie Lindo,

25 Auntie An-mei, or other Chinese friends, but I also know they would tell me a meaning that is different from what my mother intended. What if they tell me this curving line branching into three oval shapes is a pomegranate and that my mother was wishing me fertility and posterity? What if my mother really meant the carvings were a branch of pears to give me purity and honesty?

And because I think about this all the time, I always notice other people wearing these same jade pendants—not the flat rectangular medallions or the round white ones with holes in the middle but ones like mine, a two-inch oblong of bright apple green. It's as though we were all sworn to the

same secret covenant, so secret we don't even know what we belong to. Last weekend, for example, I saw a bartender wearing one. As I fingered mine, I asked him, "Where'd you get yours?"

"My mother gave it to me," he said.

I asked him why, which is a nosy question that only one Chinese person can ask another; in a crowd of Caucasians, two Chinese people are already like family.

"She gave it to me after I got divorced. I guess my mother's telling me I'm still worth something." And I knew by the wonder in his voice that he had no idea what the pendant really meant.

16.In lines 1-5, Waverly characterizes June's advertisement as being

(A)unsophisticated and heavy-handed

(B)somber and convoluted

(C)clear and concise

(D)humorous and effective

(E)clever and lively

17In the context of the passage, the statement "I was surprised at myself" (line 12) suggests that June

(A)had been unaware of the extent of her emotional vulnerability

(B)was exasperated that she allowed Waverly to embarrass her in public

(C)was amazed that she could dislike anyone so much

(D)had not realized that her mother admired her friend Waverly

(E)felt guilty about how much she resented her own mother

18 For June, a significant aspect of what happened at the dinner party is that

(A)her mother had taken great pains to make Waverly feel welcome

(B)her mother had criticized her for arguing with Waverly

(C)her mother had sided against her in front of family and friends

(D)Waverly had angered June's mother

(E)Waverly had lied to June's mother

19 The description of June's encounter with the bartender primarily serves to suggest that

(A)the relationship of mother and son is different from that of mother an daughter

(B)June is not the only one who ponders the meaning of a jade pendant

(C)a jade pendant symbolizes the mystery of life and death

(D)June finally understands the true meaning of her jade pendant

(E)strangers are easier to talk to than family members and friends

20 The passage indicates that the act of giving a jade pendant can best be described as

(A)a widely observed tradition

(B)a mother's plea for forgiveness

(C)an example of a mother's extravagance

(D)an unprecedented act of generosity

(E)an unremarkable event in June's life


16. A

17. A

18. C

19. B

20. A




question 11-12 are based on the following passage

some critics believe that the frequent use of repetition in native american ceremonial texts was a result of their oral nature and helped make the works easy to remember. native american scholar paula gunn allen argues that this factor must be peripheral, however, because people in societies without writing traditionally have had more finely developed memories than do people who use writing. native american children learned early to remember complicated instructions and long stories by heart. for a person who couldn't run to a bookshelf to look up information, reliance on memory became very important in everyday life. such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial occasions.

1. the primary purpose of the passage is to

(a) refute a claim

(b) describe a process

(c) analyze a discovery

(d) advocate a practice

(e) reveal a problem

2. in context, what does the final sentence suggest about native american ceremonial texts?

(a) understanding them requires a highly developed memory.

(b) their inclusion of complicated and detailed material is traditional.

(c) they are not always oral in nature, nor are they always repetitive.

(d) they are important in the everyday lives of many native americans.

(e) their use of repetition cannot be explained as an aid to memorization.



这道题目要求你说出这篇短文的目的,那就不是只看一两句话就可以解决问题的了,这是一道主旨性题目,需要我们从宏观上做全面的把握。但实际上当我们读完some critics believe that……native american scholar paula gunn allen argues that之后我们就能有一个大概的印象就是这是对一个问题的争论,通过对后面文字的进一步确认我们就能做出正确的选项。


简析:我们以suggest锁定这道题目为推断性的题目,以the final sentence锁定题目在文章中的出处,即such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial




Question 1: 阅读小说 or 研究真题?

Answer 1: 看小说是提高阅读水平的王道,做题才是提高分数的有效SAT阅读经验。至于哪个更有用,要看你的时间了。如果还剩下半年或三五个月,建议可以多看一些小说,从而积累自己的文学底蕴和素养;当然如果时间只剩下有限的一两个月,那还是做题吧,把真题研究透彻了对分数的帮助会更大一些。

Question 2: 逐一攻破 or 读完再做?


Question 3:可否大概介绍下准备sat阅读的基本步骤呢?

虽然说阅读不是靠词汇完全支撑起来的,但不得不说词汇量是很关键的,至少要把SAT常见的5000词背的滚瓜烂熟才行。至于新某方或其他机构出版的红宝书,如果有时间背一下也是未尝不可的,如果实在没时间就算了。当然,不能一味的背单词,要争取把背单词和做题结合起来。刚开始做题的时候不要浪费太多真题,可以先从SAT历年真题开始,毕竟很权威,也很简单。然后慢慢的可以把KAPLAN, PRINCETON, BARRON都给做了。这几套题基本达到把文章意思完全看懂就算可以了,用不着每道题都仔细去研究,因为毕竟不是真题,出题的思路不是那么官方。把这些题都给做了,下一步就可以碰官方题了。官方题里建议先做OG,再OC,最后真题。官方题一定要精作,而且要做一遍以上。如果达到拿出来一道题,就能解释出来为什么要这么选,从原文中哪句话能看出来,你就出山了。如果担心做题方向被彻底搞错,也可以先做点OG再去碰那些出版社的题。当然如果你实在是个大牛或者如果实在无聊了,也可以买BARRON 的阅读专项,不过那个是我见过的出题最怪的了。



新SAT阅读之演讲:Declaration of Conscience