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1. Ironically, an affluent society that purchases much more food than it actually needs suffers because of that -----, since in conditions of affluence diseases relate to overeating and a poor nutrition seem to -----.

(A) lavishness… adapt

(B) overabundance…thrive

(C) corpulence…vex

(D) practicality…awaken

(E) commonness…abound

解析:“Ironically”表示逻辑反义,所以逗号前后的句子语意相反。空格1填入一个名词,that表示逆向指代,对应语意 “社会需要比他实际需要更多的事物(purchases much more food than it actually needs)”,所以空格1填入“富足的(affluent)”的语义。空格2填入一个动词,表示“有关暴饮暴食和营养不良(poor nutrition)的疾病”的状态。所以答案为B。其他选项:A 浪费,挥霍;适应。B 过量;兴盛起来。C 肥胖;烦恼。D 实用性;使清醒。E 普通;充满。答案为B。

2. Maggie is a procrastinator, inclined to ------ and to ------ discussions.

(A) meddle… scoff at

(B) temporize… prolong

(C) misbehave… disrupt

(D) sneer… terminate

(E) withdraw… intrude in

解析:空格1和2都填入一个动词,表示M对“讨论(discussions)”做的动作。由and连接两个空,所以逻辑同义,空格1和2与逗号前面的句子构成“一元二次方程”模式,所以应该体现“拖延者,办事拖拉的人(procratinator)”的语义。选项:A 干涉;嘲笑。B 拖延议事;延长。C 行为不端;打扰,使混乱。D 嘲笑;终结。E 收回,撤退;侵入,侵扰。答案为B。

3. The speaker, praised for her style yet ridiculed for her vacuity, often moved naive listeners with ----- alone and led them to believe that her speech had ------.

(F) reason… dalliance

(G) infelicity… conviction

(H) rhetoric… substance

(I) pragmatism… futility

(J) boorishness… integrity

解析:空格1和2都填入一个名词,表示发言者的言语的状态。“yet”表示逻辑反义,所以空格填入后应该体现“风格受到欢迎但是内容空洞”的语义。两个空由and连接,所以表达的意思应该是同义的。第一个空应该对应“风格好”,第二个空表达“使那些天真的观众相信其内容不是空洞的”,第二个空填入“不是空洞”的相应的意思。选项:A 原因;嬉戏,调情。B 不幸;信念。C 修辞;物质,实质。D 实用主义;无用。E 粗鲁;完整。答案为C。

4. Hayley Mill’s films have been called ------, although most of them are not so sentimental as to deserve that description.

(A) treacly (B) cursory (C) prosaic (D) meticulous (E) consecrated

解析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰HM的电影。“although”表示转折关系,前后语意相反,逗号后面的句子中,“not”表示否定,not so sentimental,前句空中应该填入其反义,所以空格应该填入“感情丰富的(sentimental)”的同义。选项:A 甜蜜的(resembling treacle: overly sweet and sentimental)。B 粗略的,仓促的。C 单调的。D 吹毛求疵的。E 神圣的。答案为A。

5. A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not license for -------, nor do they --------- prejudice or bias.

(A) experimentation… eliminate

(B) arrogance… pursue

(C) humility… advocate

(D) smugness… legitimate

(E) rigidity… console

解析:空格1填入一个名词,表示“科学的限定or资格证书(scientific qualifications)”不是什么的许可。空格2填入一个动词,表示“科学的限定or资格证书(scientific qualifications)”对“偏见(prejudice or bias)”做的动作。分号表示前后同义,有“not”等多处否定,所以空格1应该填入“自动地排斥民间方法”的语义,空格2填入一个正动作,表示对“偏见(prejudice or bias)”的肯定态度。选项:A 实验;消除,淘汰。B 自夸;追求。C 谦虚;拥护,支持。D 自鸣得意;使规范,使合法。E 僵硬;安慰。答案为E。

6. The frequent name changes that the country has undergone ------ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.(bingo+句子结构分析)

(A) argue against (B) contrast with (C) testify to (D) jeopardize (E) sustain

解析:空格填入一个动词+介词或是动词,表示“国家名字的经常变化(The frequent name changes that the country has undergone)”对“政治动乱(political turbulence)”做的动作。可以重复的语义只有“变化”和“混乱”,所以空格填入一个正动作。选项:A 与…辩驳。B 与…相反。C 证实了…。D 使危险。E 持续。答案为C。

7. Not only was the science of Hildegard Bingen ------ her theology, but her religious visions helped give her scientific works ------- by winning her the support of the medieval church authorities.

a) inseparable from… legitimacy

b) unconcerned with… prestige

c) derived from… profundity

d) related to … accuracy

e) diminished by… detachment

解析:空格1填入一个形容词+介词或是动词+介词的结构,逻辑同义(not only… but…为并列结构,不是转折关系),所以空格2应该体现“为她赢的了中世纪教会权威的支持”的语义。即正评价词汇,而空格1也应该体现这样的语义。选项:A 不可分离的;合法,正统。 B 不关心;威望。C 从…来;深奥。D 有关系;准确。E 减少;公平,分离。答案为A。

8. Opponents of the research institute label it ------ anachronism; its scholars, they allege, have ------ rivaling those of pre-Revolutionary French nobility.

f) An elitist… perquisites

g) A monarchial… tribulations

h) An irreproachable…luxuries

i) A reprehensible… afflictions

j) A commendable… privileges

解析:空格1填入一个冠词+形容词的结构,修饰“时代错误(anachronism)”,空格2填入一个名词,表示研究所的学者们和“与那些法国大革命前的贵族相竞争”的关系。分号表示前后同义,所以空格1应该体现贵族的语义,空格2应该体现空格1的语义和时代错误的语义。选项:A 精英的;津贴。B 国王的;苦难。C 无可指责的;豪华。D 应受谴责的;苦恼,折磨。E 值得赞扬的;特权。答案为A。

9. In addition to ------ stacks of resumes and references, some employers want to ------- the hiring process by employing graphologists to study applicants’ handwriting for character analysis.

a) Evaluating… supplement

b) Envisioning… circumvent

c) Ignoring… depersonalize

d) Ameliorating… revisit

e) Condoning… belabor

解析:空格1填入动词,表示“有些雇主(some employers)”对“成堆的简历和推荐信(stacks of resumes and reference)”做的动作。空格2填入一个动词,表示“有些雇主(some employers)”对“雇佣过程(hiring process)”做的动作。逻辑同义,所以空格2应该填入“利用笔相家来研究申请人的性格特点”的语义。空格1应该体现“研究(study)”和“空格2”的语义。选项:A 评估;补充。B 想象,预想;避免。C 忽视;使失去个性。D 改进,改善;再访问。E 宽恕;过分冗长的说或做。答案为A。

10. Andrew’s hunch that Ms. Smith would lose the election was ------- when her opponent won in a landslide, proving Andrew’s -------- to be correct.

(A) Compromised… prediction

(B) Rejected… insolence

(C) Substantiated… endorsement

(D) Confirmed… intuition

(E) Belied…. Retraction

解析:空格1填入一个从此,表示“A的直觉(Andrew’s hunch)”的状态。空格2填入一个名词,表示A的什么是正确的。由于她的竞争对手在泥石流中获胜,所以S的落选就是正动作,从而可以肯定A的直觉是正确的。选项:A 妥协;预测。B 拒绝;无辜。C 证实;同意,批准。D 证实;直觉。E 与…背道而驰;收回。答案为D。

11. The scientific organization ------- the newspaper for prominently covering the predictions of a psychic while -------- to report on a major research conference.

a) Celebrated… failing

b) Promoted… refusing

c) Denounced… neglecting

d) Spurned… hastening

e) Honored… opting

解析:空格1填入一个动词,表示科学的组织对报纸的动作。空格2填入一个动词,表示报纸对在一个主流研究会议上的报告做的动作。While表示转折关系,逻辑反义,所以空格2应该填入“引人注目的覆盖了一个有特异功能的人的预测”的反义,所以空格应该体现“不去报告”的语义。选项ABC候选。所以空格1应该填入对报纸的负动作。答案为C。所有选项:A 庆祝;没有做。B 提高,促进;拒绝。C 公开指责;忽视。D 摈弃,废除;催促。E 给以荣誉;选择。答案为C。

12. Royal garments found in the tombs of ancient Egyptians reveal no evidence of having been mended: this discovery suggests that the rulers of Egypt opted for ------- rather than -------.

a) Disposal… repair

b) Sacrifice… opulence

c) Wastefulness… comfort

d) Spirituality… worldliness

e) Humiliation… charity

解析:空格1和2都填入一个名词,表示E的统治者们更倾向于选择的东西。冒号表示前后同义,所以空格1和2填入后应该体现“皇家的衣服没有体现被修过的证据”的语义。选项:A 清除;修理。B 牺牲;富裕。C 浪费;舒服。D 精神性;世俗。E 耻辱;慈善。答案为A。

13. The magician’s ------- astonished us; her deft performance proved the old saying that the hand is quicker than the eye.

(A) discernment (B) tenacity (C) hilarity (D) adroitness (E) insecurity

解析:空格填入一个名词,表示魔术师的什么让我们震惊。分号表示前后同义,所以空格应该体现“熟练的表演”的语义。选项:A 洞察力。B 坚韧。C 欢喜。D 熟练。E 不安全。答案为D。

14. No longer considered_________, the belief that all ofPuerto Rico's indigenous Taino people perishedcenturies ago appears to be a _________ now thatmodern Taino descendants have come forward.

(A) conclusive . . reality(B) tenable . . misconception(C) mythical. . possibility *(D) erroneous . . delusion(E) hypothetical. . digression

解析:空格1和2都填入一个形容词,都修饰“信仰(belief)”,“no longer”表示逗号前后反义,所以空格1和2为广义反义。选项:A 结论性的;现实,真实。B 站得住脚的;错误概念。C 神秘的;可能性。D 错误的;错觉。E 假设的;例题的。答案选B。

15. Although aging brings about profound physiologicalchanges, it does not often alter an individual's_________:an irascible thirty year old will probably still be_________at seventy.

(A) disposition . . cantankerous(B) anatomy . . churlish(C) outlook . . benevolent(D) personality . . laconic(E) stature . . robust

解析:空格1填入一个名词,被“个人(individual)”所修饰,空格2填入一个形容词,表示“70岁(at seventy)”的状态。“although”表示逗号前后反义,所以空格1应该体现“生理上的(physiological)”的反义,空格2体现 “脾气暴躁的(irascible)”的同义。选项:A 癖性;(老人)脾气暴躁的。B 解刨学;脾气暴躁的。C 观点;仁慈的。D 人格,个性;简洁的。E 社会地位;健壮的。

16. Freedom of expression is not necessarily a_________ force:communities that encourage it often feel less threatenedby social unrest than do those in which dissentis_________.

(A) revolutionary . . promoted(B) positive . . prohibited(C) successful . . protested(D) divisive . . restricted(E) militant. . fostered

解析:空格1填入一个形容词,修饰“力量(force)”;空格2填入一个动词,说明“不同意见(dissent)”的状态。冒号表示逻辑相同。冒号后面内容说“鼓励言论自由的社会可以得到更少的来自社会不安因素的威胁(communities that encourage it often feel less threatened by social unrest)”所以,空格1应该填入一个负面词汇。空格2则填入encourage的反义。表示“言论不自由”语义。选项:革命性的;提高,提升。B 积极的;抑制。C 成功的;抗议。D 引起分歧的;限制。E 激进的,好战的;鼓励,培养。答案为D。

18. Some skeptics consider the Search for ExtraterrestrialIntelligence (SET1) to be_________, even foolish; othersgo so far as to accuse SETI scientists of outright_________in applying skewed data.

(A) misguided . . remonstrance(B) absurd . . erudition(C) plausible . . lassitude(D) painstaking . . fabrication(E) wrongheaded . . chicanery

解析:空格1填入一个形容词,修饰SETI;空格2填入一个名词,表示SETI如何利用“歪曲数据(skewed data)”。Even表示前后递进关系,所以空格1应该填入一个“愚蠢的(foolish)”但程度浅一点的词。空格2填入一个负评价词汇。选项:A 受误导的;抱怨,抗议。B 荒唐的;博学,深奥。C 似是而非的。疲乏。D 煞费苦心的;捏造。E 坚持错误的;诡计。答案选择E。

19. Neurosurgeon Alexa Canady maintained that choosinga career was a visceral decision rather than_________judgment; that is, it was not so much rational as_________.

(A) an emotional. . intellectual(B) a chance . . random(C) an intuitive . . impulsive(D) a deliberate . . instinctive(E) an intentional,. logical

解析:空格1填入一个形容词修饰“判断(judgement)”;空格2填入一个形容词,修饰“it”,即“职业选择(choosing a career)”。“rather than”表示空格1填入与“非理性的(viseral)”相反的词。分号表示前后句子同意,因此第二句也应该表示“非理性>理性”语义,所以空格 2应该填入“非理性”的语义。选项:A 情绪的,理性的。B 偶然的,不必然的;随即的。C 直觉的;冲动的。D 深思熟虑的;直觉的。E 有意的,故意的;逻辑的。答案选D。

20. Creative business stratagems frequently become _________as a result of_________, their versatility and adaptabilitydestroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.

(A) streamlined . . infighting(B) mitigated. .jingoism(C) ossified . . bureaucratization(D) politicized . . innovation(E) venerable. . legislation

解析:空格1填入一个形容词,修饰“创造性的商业策略(creative business stratagems)”,空格2填入一个名词,表示空格2导致了空格1,1是果,2是因。逗号后面的句子,表示方法目的是by后面的“他们转变成了严格的政策(their transformation into rigid policies)”,可以看作是“因”,“他们的多功能性和适应性被破坏(their versatility and adaptability destroyed)”是“果”,构成了“矩形模式”,因此只需要把第二句的结果填入空格1,第二句的原因填入空格2即可。选项:A 流线型的,入时的;内讧。B 缓和的;军国主义。C 僵化的;官僚统治。D 被给予政治口吻和姿态的;创新。E 值得尊敬的;立法。答案选C。

21. Lewis Latimer's inexpensive method of producingcarbon filaments_________ the nascent electric industry bymaking electric lamps commercially_________.

(A) cheapened. . affordable(B) transformed. . viable(C) revolutionized. . prohibitive(D) provoked. . improbable(E) stimulated. . inaccessible

解析:空格1填入一个动词,表示“生产碳细丝的便宜方法(the inexpensive method of producing carbon filaments)”对“新生的电力行业(nascent eletric industry)”做的一个动作;空格2填入一个形容词,表示“便宜方法(inexpensive method)”把“电灯泡(electric lamps)”在“商业上(commercially)”变成什么状态。“by”表示方法,所以空格2应该体现“便宜(inexpensive)”的概念。选项中:除了A 可支付得起的B 可行的,其余选项都可以排除(C 使翻天覆地变化;价格贵的抑制购买的。D 激起;不可能的。E 刺激;达不到的。)A 选项的空格1:cheapened:1)to make cheap in price or value。2)to lower in general esteem。3)to make tawdry, vulgar, or inferior。不可以说使整个电力行业降价。所以排除。答案选B。

22. Because her new job required daily attendance, Joanwas obliged to_________ her formerly_________ lifestyle as atraveling musician.

(A) forgo . . sedentary(B) perpetuate . . nomadic(C) glorify . . dissolute(D) augment. . lavish(E) relinquish . . itinerant(traveling from place to place)

解析:空格1填入一个动词,表示J对“她以前的...的生活方式”做得动作。空格2填入一个形容词,修饰生活方式,because表示因果关系,新工作(new job)和以前的...的生活方式构成对比,所以空格1填入一个负动作。空格2则填入“旅行音乐家(traveling musician)”的概念即可。选项:A 放弃;久坐的。B 坚持;游牧的。C 使光荣;放荡的。D 增加,提高;挥霍的。E 放弃;巡回的。答案为E。

23. Evidence that the universe is expanding_________ourperception of the cosmos and thus caused a_________inastronomical thinking.

(A) advanced. . setback(B) altered . . revolution(C) contradicted . . truce(D) reinforced. . crisis(E) halted. . breakthrough

解析:空格1填入一个动词,表示“宇宙正在膨胀的证据(evidence that the universe is expanding)”对“我们的宇宙观(our perception of comos)”做的动作;空格2填入一个名词,表示这种证据对引起了什么。“thus”表示因果关系,所以空格1和2的逻辑方向相同且填入后要体现因果关系。选项:A 是先进,提前;阻碍。B改变,翻天覆地的变化。C 反对;停战。D 加强;关键。E 暂停;突破。答案为B

24. The new antifungal agent has such_________uses, fromtreating Dutch elm disease to rescuing water-damagedworks of art from molds, that it is considered one ofthe more_________antibiotics.

(A) disturbing . . explicit(B) innovative . . precipitous(C) mysterious . . recognized(D) varied . . versatile(E) similar . . discriminating

解析:首先空格1填入一个形容词,用来修饰新的杀真菌剂(new antifungal agent)的用途(uses),空格2填入形容词,用来修饰抗生素(antibiotics)。其次“from句子”同样修饰前面的用途(uses),构成修饰解释关系,因此应该把“from句子”的语义填到空格1中;抗生素(antibiotics)是杀真菌剂(new antifungal agent)构成语义重复,因此空格1和2构成“一元方程”模式,所以空格2应该体现“空格1+uses”的语义。A disturbing 扰乱的,使人不安的;explicit 明白的,明确的。B innovative 创新的 precipitous 陡峭的;仓促的,急躁的。C 神秘的,不可思议的;recongnized 公认的,经过验证的。D varied 多种多样的;versatile 善变的;多用途的(本题涵义);多才多艺的。E similar 相似的 discriminating 有辨别力的,有差别的,特征显著的。答案选D。

25. Because rap and hip-hop offer such_________commentaryon contemporary issues, they are often said to besharp-edged musical genres.

(A) nebulous (B) trenchant (C) circumspect(D)prosaic (E) benign

解析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰“评论(commentary)”,改该“评论”是由“rap and hip-hop”对“当代社会的问题(contemporary issues)”所做的“评论”。寻找相关语义找到代词“they”,指代“rap and hip-hop”,“because”表示因果关系,句子前后逻辑方向相同。因此空格应该填入“尖锐的文艺形式(sharp-edged musical genres)”的语义。答案:A 模糊不清的;B 一针见血的,鞭辟入里的;C 谨慎的;D 单调的,乏味的;E(人)仁慈的,(天气)温和的。

26. The company manager was known for both his_________and his_________: he lied frequently, but did sowith amazing flair.

(A) ambivalence . . extravagance(B) duplicity . . panache(C) evasiveness . . irascibility(D) mendacity . . corruption(E) brashness . . charisma

解析:空格1和2都填入一个名词,表示“(公司经理)company manager”的状态。冒号表示前后同义,所以空格填入后应该体现“他经常撒谎,但是却撒谎撒得很有技巧,简直是撒谎的天才(he lied frequently, but did so with amazaing flair)”。“flair”表示a skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something,即“欣赏或者很好利用事物的技巧和天生的能力”。选项:A 矛盾;挥霍。B 欺骗;羽饰dash or flamboyance in style and action,热情,炫耀。C 逃避;易怒。D 撒谎;堕落。E 傲慢无礼;领袖气质。D的第二个空堕落不符合语义,排除。答案为B。

27. Because the candidate had switched his party allegianceimmediately before the campaign, his formerassociates called him a_________, and even his new alliesconsidered him an_________.

(A) recruit. . expert(B) strategist . . imbecile(C) deserter . . inspiration(D) prophet . . interloper(E) traitor . . opportunist

解析:空格1和2都填入一个名词,修饰“候选人(candidate)”。Because表示因果关系,even表示递进关系,所以应该把“在选举前立即改变了自己的党派(had switched his party allegiance immediately before the campaign)”的语义,且空格2程度要深一些。选项:A 新手;专家。B 策略家(a person skilled in strategy);傻子。C 变节者,叛逃者(to quit one's post, allegiance, or service without leave or justification);灵感。D 先知;干涉他人事务者。E 叛徒;见机行事的人(a person exploiting opportunities with little regard to principle or consequences)

28. Although A. S. Byatt's stories are elaborate and sometimescontain supernatural elements, her characters donot seem_________; on the contrary, they are quite_________ .

(A) simplistic . . eccentric(B) realistic . . memorable(C) abstruse . . incomprehensible(D) contrived . . plausible(E) intricate . . complex

解析:空格1和2都填入一个形容词,修饰“她的角色(her characters)”,“although”表示逗号前后反义,not再次改变逻辑方向。所以空格1填入一个“详细说明的,复杂的(elaborate)”和“有时包含一些超自然因素(sometimes contain supernatural elements)”。分号+on the contrary表示逻辑相反,即空格2与前一句话的让步部分反义,所以与空格1同义。选项:A 简单的;古怪的。B 现实的,实际的;值得纪念的。C 难解的,深奥的;难以理解的。D 精心设计的;似是而非的。E 复杂的;复杂的。答案为D。C和E选项逻辑正确,但是“复杂的,难解的”不能体现“详细说明的(elaborate)”和“有时包含一些超自然因素(sometimes contain supernatural elements)”所以选择D。

29. Electing not to stay in subordinate positions in large firms, some attorneys _________, seeking more _________and independence elsewhere.(bingo)

(A) compromise . . servility(B) persevere . . competence(C) acquiesce . . banality(D) resign . . autonomy(E) recant. . conformity

解析:这一元二次方程模式,空格1主语是“有些律师(some attorneys)”,需填入一个动词,空格2填入一个形容词,表示“找到更...的职位(seeking more....(positions))”。第二个逗号后面的“ing”引导的从句与空格构成修饰解释关系,所以只要把“在其他地方找到更...的和更独立的职位”的语义即可。所以可以把independent的语义填入空格1中。空格2也填入independent的语义即可。选项:A 妥协;奴性。B 坚持;竞争。C 勉强同意,默许;陈腐。D 辞职;自治。E 撤销,放弃;遵守。答案为D。

30. Because all members of this organization are idealists, they_________ any assertion that political enterprises should be purely _________.

(A) ignore . . universal(B) criticize . . visionary(C) condemn . . benevolent(D) denounce . . pragmatic(E) condone . . indulgent

解析:空格1填入一个动词,逗号后面的they指代 “这个组织所有的成员(all members of this organization)”,空1是they对“任何断言(any assertion)”做得动作。空格2填入一个形容词,修饰“政治事业(political enterprises)”,“because”表示因果关系,所以利用正负假定法,假设空格1是正动作,空格2则是“理想主义者(idealists)”的同义。选项:A 忽视;普遍的。B 批评;理想化的。C 指责;仁慈的。D 公开谴责;实用的。E 宽恕;放纵的。答案为D。


1. some fans feel that sports events are only when

the competitors are of equal ability, making the

outcome of the game_________.

(a) successful . . assured

(b) boring . . questionable

(c) dull. . foreseen

(d) interesting . . predictable

(e) exciting . . uncertain

解析:空格1填一个形容词,修饰“体育比赛(sports events)”,空格2填入一个形容词,修饰“体育比赛的结果(outcome of the game)”,句子前后逻辑方向相同。“only when”引导的从句内容“当竞争对手水平相同时”作为后一句话的结果,因此空格2只能填入“不确定(uncertain)”的语义,答案选择e。其他选项a 成功的;有保证的,确定的,自信的。b 沉闷的,无聊的;有问题的。c 愚蠢的;可以预测的。d 有趣的;可以预测的。e 刺激的,令人激动的;不确定。



2. alfred schnittke's musical compositions are_________:

phrases are clipped, broken into sections, and split

apart by long rests.

(a) garnished (b) improviSATional

(c) fragmented (d) cautious (e) uniform

解析:空格1填入一个形容词,修饰“as的音乐作品(alfred schnittke’s musical compositions)”,冒号表示前后两句话同义(即:逻辑方向相同),“乐句(phrases)”与“音乐作品(alfred schnittke’s musical compositions)”构成同义重复(上下义词),所以空格1填入“减去的(clipped)”,“打碎成几个部分的(broken into sections)”,“被长休止符割裂的(split apart by long rests)”中任何一个含义即可,a 俗丽的(贬义词);b 即兴的;c 碎片的,支离破碎的;d 谨慎的;e 统一的。答案选择c。



3. the consumer advocate claimed that while drug

manufacturers_________the supposed advantages

of their proprietary brands, generic versions of

the same medications are often equally_________.

(a) tout . . efficacious

(b) research . . innocuous

(c) market. . prohibitive

(d) laud . . counterproductive

(e) extract. . prescriptive

解析:首先空格1填入一个动词,表示“药品制造商(drug manufacturers)”对“他们私人品牌的所谓的优势(the supposed advantages of their proprietary)”做了一个动作。空格2填入一个形容词,修饰“相同药物的普通版本(generic versions of the same medication)”。“that”引起的从句中“while”表示前后两句意思相反(逻辑方向相反)。其次,句中“their propietary brands(他们私人的品牌)”与“generic versions(普通版本)”构成语义重复。对两个空格采用“正负假定法”,如果“药品制造商(drug manufacturers)”对“所谓的优势(the supposed advantages)”做一个正动作,那么取反后普通版本也应该填入一个正评价词汇。答案:a 赞扬;有效的。b 研究;有毒的。c 出售;价格过高买不起的。d 赞扬;起反作用的。e 拔出,抽取;规定的,约定俗成的。



4. latoya's_________is shown by her ability to be_________:

she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone

else can.

(a) perceptiveness . . self-centered

(b) objectivity . . restrictive

(c) cynicism . . self-destructive

(d) open-mindedness . . complacent

(e) insightfulness . . self-critical

解析:空格1填入一个名词,表达与latoya相关的语义;空格2填入一个形容词,修饰“l的能力(her ability)”。冒号表示前后逻辑同向,另外“被她的...能力所表现(is shown)”同样表达了空格1和2的广义同义关系。冒号构成修饰解释模式,即空格1和2填入句子后表达的应该是“她比其他人更能清楚地认识到自己的错误(she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can)”。选项:a 洞察力;自负的。b 客观的;限制的。c 愤世嫉俗的(下犬儒主义,上犬儒主义为奢侈逸乐,但不作为常考含义);自我破坏,自我否定的。d 开放的,乐于接受的;自满的,自鸣得意的。e 深邃的洞察力;自我批评的。


5. the bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so_________

that it will consume as many insects as possible.

(a) abstemious (b) cannibalistic (c) slovenly

(d) inSATiable (e) unpalatable

解析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰“龙蜥蜴”,“so...that...”表示空格1和后面的语义为因果关系,所以应该把“它尽可能多的吃掉昆虫(it will consume insects as many as possible)”。另外,逗号表示前后逻辑方向同向,所以应该把“贪婪的捕食者(voracious eater)”的语义填入空格1。选项:a 自制节制的。b 人吃人的,同类吃同类的。c 懒惰的,邋遢的。d 无法满足的。e 味道差的,不好吃的。


6. because drummer tony williams paved the way for

later jazz-fusion musicians, he is considered a_________

of that style.

(a) connoisseur (b) revivalist (c) beneficiary

(d) disparager (e) progenitor

解析:空格一个填入一个名词,修饰tw,和“爵士混合音乐形式(that style)”,“that style”指代“爵士混合音乐(jazz-fusion)”。because表示前后句因果关系,因此要把“为随后的爵士混合音乐家奠定了基础(paved the way for later jazz-fusion musicians)”的语义填入空格中。选项:a 鉴赏家。b 使...再次复苏复活的人。c 受益者,受惠者。d 贬损者。e 先驱,前辈。答案选择e


拓展:tony williams and jazz-fusion music

7. the politician's speech to the crowd was composed of

nothing but_________ , a bitter railing against the party's


(a) digressions (b) diatribes (c) platitudes

(d) machinations (e) acclaimations

解析:空格填入一个名词,与语义“政治家对人群的演讲只是由...组成(the politician’s speech to the crowd was composed of nothing but ...)”相关。逗号及后面的同位语构成与空格的解释修饰关系,因此,只需要把“一个对党派反对者尖刻的职责”的语义填入空格中即可。选项:a 跑题。b 长篇抨击性演讲。c 陈词滥调。d 阴谋。e 欢呼,欢迎,喝彩。答案选b。


8. favoring economy of expression in writing, the

professor urged students toward a_________rather

than an_________prose style.

(a) spare . . ornate

(b) terse . . opinionated

(c) personal. . academic

(d) baroque . . embellished

(e) repetitive . . intricate

解析:空格1和2都填入形容词,修饰“散文风格(prose style)”,表示“教授极力主张学生们采用...的散文形式(the professor urged the students toward... rather than... prose style)”,“ing”引导的从句构成了解释修饰关系,“rather than”说明空格1和2应该为广义反义。因此应该把“喜欢写文章时表达的精炼(favoring the economy of expressions in writing)”填入空格1,取广义反义后填入空格2。选项:a 简介的;过分修饰的。b 简介的;固执己见的。c 个人的,死人的,亲自的;学术的。d 过分雕琢修饰的,装饰的。e 重复的,啰嗦的;复杂难解的。答案选a


拓展:考生可以思考自己的作文风格,在考作文的时候有的作文老师提倡用“牛词汇”和“牛句子”,而这些华丽的辞藻真的可以带来高分吗?就算是可以带来高分,你的文章真的是一篇好的文章吗?比如mark twain的简约派,文字运用的就非常好。




Section 5

1. Rebecca knew that to finish her project she must overcome her tendency toward ------- and learn to make up her mind.

(A) indecision (B) independence (C) buoyancy (D) exaggeration (E) expertise


解析:and表明空格与后面的“learn to make up her mind”是同意关系,即“学会下定决心,独立思考”,空格前有overcome,所以所填词汇为“下定决心”的反义词。

2. Jane Eyre is among the most ------- of feminist novels: it is still widely ------- more than 150 years after its publication.

(A) confusing . .mimicked

(B) provocative . .ignored

(C) enduring . .read

(D) powerful . .overlooked

(E) irrelevant . .taught



3. Led by Massasoit and William Bradford, the Wampanoag communities and Plymouth Colony created a military and economic -------, drawing upon one another's resources for decades.

(A) experiment (B) stalemate (C) dilemma (D) rivalry (E) alliance



4. Jason’s gullibility was remarkable: he ------- the most outrageous assertions and was therefore much too easily -------.

(A) trusted . .duped

(B) processed . .misjudged

(C) proposed . .deluded

(D) repeated . .apprehended

(E) believed . .imitated



5. Because curiosity is deemed the ------- of the scientific temperament, theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, renowned for his ceaseless questioning, was regarded by some as an ------- of the scientific spirit.

(A) essence . .incarnation

(B) bane . .advocate

(C) crux . .inception

(D) hallmark . .adversary

(E) inverse . .assimilation



6. The editorial charged that some contemporary music ------- fundamental social values by glamorizing what is essentially an outlaw lifestyle.

(A) enjoins (B) erodes (C) augments (D) spawns (E) sanctions



方法二:by glamorizing…意为“美化不好的事情”,这样会产生坏结果。同样选B。

7. Some people believe a parrot can comprehend the words it utters, but most biologists believe parrots lack such ------- ability.

(A) auditory (B) cognitive (C) observational (D) mimetic (E) prophetic



8. Nothing in the essay is -------: every sentence contributes in an essential way to the overall meaning.

(A) cohesive (B) querulous (C) paramount (D) mandatory (E) superfluous



Section 7

1. Unlike the wild turkey which can successfully fly for short distances, the domesticated turkey is completely ------- flight.

(A) subject to (B) dependent on (C) worthy of (D) captivated by (E) incapable of



2. Morale among the staff scientists ------- when the director dolefully announced that chances of the project’s receiving additional funding were -------.

(A) soared . .indeterminate

(B) revived . .overwhelming

(C) plummeted . .infinitesimal

(D) slumped . .unsurpassed

(E) splintered . .calculable



3. The slogan “What goes up must come down” was so universally accepted by economists that it was considered -------.

(A) a conjecture (B) an axiom (C) a fad (D) a testimonial (E) an argument


解析:空格处重复了“universally accepted”。

4. The corporation’s code of ethics is ludicrous; its principles are either -------, offering clichés in lieu of guidance, or so unspecific as to make any behavior -------.

(A) hackneyed . .unlikely

(B) anonymous . .acceptable

(C) platitudinous . .permissible

(D) portentous . .justifiable

(E) instructive . .commonplace



5. Sally, thoroughly convinced of her own importance, often acts without -------: she feels no guilt, for example, about appropriating her brother’s possessions.

(A) compunction (B) gratification (C) aplomb (D) indignation (E) inducement



Section 9

1. While the official’s actions were widely denounced, they were nonetheless -------, fully within the boundaries of recognized laws.

(A) profitable (B) legal (C) unanticipated (D) unforgivable (E) disturbing



2. While tributyltin (TBT) is generally not as ------- as certain other toxic substances, studies of its damaging effects on marine life show it is ------ to mollusk fisheries.

(A) controversial . .valuable

(B) neutral . .attracted

(C) dangerous . .devastating

(D) harmful . .essential

(E) beneficial . .catastrophic



3. Eager to maintain the party’s lighthearted atmosphere, the host skillfully averted ------- between two of his guests with ------- change of subject.

(A) an impasse . .an ineffectual

(B) an agreement . .a tactful

(C) a friendship . .an irritating

(D) a quarrel . .a diplomatic

(E) a respite . .a botched



4. Although normally cheerful and energetic, Nathan was noticeably ------- during the week preceding the announcement of the pending job transfers.

(A) coherent (B) discreet (C) subdued (D) alert (E) methodical



5. The editor removed large portions of the manuscript, ------- entire paragraphs that she considered either erroneous or -------.

(A) interleaving . .simplistic

(B) fabricating . .insidious

(C) revising . .decorous

(D) expurgating . .offensive

(E) salvaging . .immutable



6. On Gold Mountain is both ------- and -------: by recounting her Chinese American relatives’ lives, Lisa See also illuminates the larger story of the immigrant experience in the United States.

(A) conspicuous . .remote

(B) particular . .universal

(C) pertinent . .exclusive

(D) austere . .ornate

(E) superficial . .complex


