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词汇题在托福考试中也有出现,可是SAT的词汇考场点可能和托福有些不同。比如托福考试中会考察一些比较难的词,如devoid,culminate等偏难的词,考察学生的词汇量,而SAT里面却常考feat,wanting,fair等熟悉的词汇,考场学生对单词在不同语境的理解能力。由此可见,big word 是SAT的常考单词,他们看似简单,却充满了陷阱,需要用成熟的做题方法来克服。由于技巧口述比较抽象,我以例题给大家具体解释。

SAT阅读词汇题例题1. 被考的单词需要揣度它在文本中的意思,而选项单词必须是这个意思的直译,不能再引申。

例题: The bard apparently called upon one specific formula after another in order to fit the driving beat of the chant, in trance of rhythmic improviSATion. (2012年10月真题)

In line 47, “called upon” nearly means

A. obliged

B. proposed

C. invited

D. utilized

E. visited

这句话本身还有一个分句,篇幅有限,分句技巧下次再讲。单看此句,the bard 指上文中的Homer,也就是说他怎么样了一个特殊模式来适应韵律,显而易见,肯定是他使用或者是发明,因此直接选项是utilize,而有的同学会觉得invite也有引申义,当采纳使用,这个时候就犯了绕圈的错误。因此,选项首要原则是直接明了。

SAT阅读词汇题例题2. 平行结构有助于单词理解。

例题:Part of the problem may well stem from the long-standing tendency of European or Euro-American thinkers to regard Native Americans as fundamentally and profoundly different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by unfathomable visions than by intelligence or introspection. (老版og1)

In line 12, “charged” most nearly means

A. commanded

B. indicated

C. replenished

D. inspired

E. attacked

本句虽然较长,但实际上考察的动词与前一句呈并列关系,”motivated more often by mysticism” 和 “charged more by unfathomable visions”, 两句中,宾语mysticism和unfathomable visions都是一样的对native American的神化和误解,因此,他们的动词应该是一样,因此motivated 等于charged,因此在选项上,选择更接近motivated的单词,因此是inspired。

SAT阅读词汇题例题3. 主谓关系法

例题: the voice reminded me a little of the way radio announcers used to introduce a piece of classical music or describe the progress of the Royal Family to Westminster Abbey on one of their royal occasions. (oc 6)

In line 11, “”progress” most nearly means

A. evolution

B. improvement

C. prosperity

D. promotion

E. advance

文中考察的progress我们一般觉得是进步这样的抽象词汇,可是看它所搭配的主句是Royal Family, 而行为却是 to 某 abbey,可见这是一个实义词,描写的是皇室家族去教堂的行为,那么人只可能走去教堂,所以需要选择一个包含了行走或前进的单词,因此是advance。在这类题目中,需要注意的是这个单词由谁发出,是人还是物,是主动还是被动,是抽象还是具体,因此归纳为主谓关系法。


新SAT阅读之演讲:Declaration of Conscience