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一、 重视定位句的逻辑结构,如并列,转折,递进等等。

(1) 句中的并列关系是指一个句子中存在结构相同或相似、语气态度一致的语言成分。表示并列结构的标志性特点有连词“and”, “or”,还有表列举的first, second, finally等等。如果我们能够识别出这种关系,就能通过与考查词汇并列的其他词汇来推出其具体含义。例如,2007年10月“科学非人性”有这样一道题:

10. In line 53, “melts”most nearly means

(A) liquefies

(B) thaws

(C) evaporates

(D) merges

(E) softens

“melts”所在的定位句原文如下:“While the artist’s communication is linked forever with its original form, that of the scientist is modified, amplified, fused with the ideas and results of others and melts into the stream of knowledge and ideas which forms our culture.”句中“and”这个表并列关系的连词可以知道,melt into 与fuse with语意相近。因此正确答案选D 项,即merge into = fuse with = melt into.


20. In line 65, “drive” most nearly means

(A) propulsion

(B) instinct

(C) campaign

(D) vitality

(E) momentum

定位句是这样的: “This occurs because in many areas of society admitting that one is fatigued and sleepy is considered a mark of weakness or lack of ambition and drive.” 很显然,有这样的一个并列结构“ambition and drive”, 即drive与ambition含义相近。可是选项中却没有与之对应的选项。那怎么办呢?除了“and”, 还有“or”呀。因此 “a mark of weakness”与“lack of ambition and drive”含义相近。同时还要细心一些,是缺乏“drive”才等同于“weakness”, 所以,drive句子中的含义与weakness(虚弱)是反义,所以我们正确选项应该是D vitality(生命活力)。如果你很难区别A, D, E三个选项的话,看看韦氏词典中的英文释义哦。

(2) 句中的转折关系是指一个句中存在语意或语气相反的语言成分,如转折词but, however, despite, yet, instead所引导的前后成分,或者句子本身前后含义相反。如果我们能火眼金睛识别出这种关系,便能通过与考察词汇反义的其他词汇来推出其具体含义。例如,2007年1月 “小女孩搬去纽约”的一道题:

16.In line 3, “regular”most nearly means

(A) customary

(B) agreeable

(C) unvarying

(D) recurring

(E) average

读一读定位句:“Used to the sensual curves of Puerto Rico, my eyes had to adjust to the regular, aggressive two-dimensionality of Brooklyn.”这道题,虽然没有非常耀眼的转折词,但通读一下句子“习惯了波多黎各感性的曲线,我的眼睛不得不适应布鲁克林…的二维平面”;很显然,这里波多黎各和布鲁克林的特征相反,形成contrast,所以regular与sensual curves 含义相反啦。我们知道curves是富于变化的,那么regular就应该是 “一成不变”的啦,正确答案当然是C.

(3) 句中的递进关系是指定位句存在语意前后更进一步的关系,如“not only...but also”以及“then”引导的前后成分。例如,2009年5月“名人效应”的一道词汇题。

10. In line 36, “hold”most nearly means

(A) maintains

(B) grasp

(C) prevent

(D) restrain

(E) support

定位句如下: “While an entertainment-driven, celebrity-oriented society is not necessarily one that destroys all moral value, as some would have it, it is one in which the standard of value is whether something can grab and then hold the public’s attention.”这道题有一定迷惑性,有些考生看到 “and”这个并列连词,兴奋不已,认为 “hold”的含义与“grab”意思相近,痛快地选择了答案B,结果一看答案,大跌眼镜。原文中是 “grab and then hold…”,并非前后一致的并列结构,而是表递进关系,即先是“抓住公众的注意力”,然后再..., 这样一看当然就是然后再“维持住其注意力”啊,所以正确答案应该是A.



16. In line 7, “adapted” most nearly means

(A) evolved

(B) committed

(C) acclimated

(D) predisposed

(E) altered

我们来看一看原句吧: “Sitting in the cockpit on a night watch, it takes a little time to become adapted to the dark and to realize how much is going on in the sea around you.” 这里,adapt to就是一个固定搭配,即“适应…”, 那么与此对应的选项就是C选项啦。


8. In line 22, “carried” most nearly means

(A) supported

(B) transmitted

(C) extended

(D) expressed

(E) bore

定位句是这样的: “Benjamin Franklin called rattlesnakes “Felons…from the Beginning of the World,” but several Revolutionary War flags carried rattles, including the famous Gadsden flag with its “Don’t Tread on Me” warning to Great Britain.” 我们可以看到carried 一词的主语是flags。根据主谓搭配的原则,A 选项supported 和D 选项expressed 的主语一般是有生命的事物,所以直接排除。B 项transmitted 语义上既不能和主语flags 搭配,也不能和宾语rattles 搭配,所以被排除。而虽然C 选项extended 的主语既可以是人也可以是物,但是当事物做主语时,extend 为不及物动词,后面不加宾语,所以也被排除。由此可知,E 项bore(bear的过去式)为正确答案,其意思是to have as a feature or characteristic, 即“具有,带有”之意。

(三) 综合考虑法


12. In line 25, “want” most nearly means

(A) poverty

(B) desire

(C) lack

(D) fault

(E) requirement

我们来仔细看一看want 所处的定位行 “The memories of innocent people may suffer, hereafter, for want of a record of the facts to which those who come after us can appeal.” 去掉插入语hereafter, “suffer for want of a record of the facts” 这样一个结构就赫然出现在我们眼前。我们知道suffer for “遭受…”后面一般会跟一个负面的事物,所以want 这个词首先要选择带有负向情感的词,所以我们可以首先排除选项B和E。另外,把A 选项的poverty(贫穷)和D 选项的fault(过失,过错)代入原文不符合语义搭配,因此也被排除,只有C 选项的lack 既是负向态度词,又符合语义搭配,所以正确答案为C。当然,如果你知道 “want of”这一短语通常表示“缺少...”, 那么这道题的答案会非常快地锁定到选项C.


新SAT阅读之演讲:Declaration of Conscience