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移民到了一个新的国家对于移民者来说在文化上遇到冲突不足为奇,但是作为一个大熔炉(melting pot)式的移民国家,美国希望借用SAT考试向全球考生传达“融合”的重要性(The cartoon helps me envision a solution that bridges differences and conceive of a new packaging of culture, one not American nor Japanese but a fusion of the two 引自2013年1月SAT考试有关日本移民的叙述)。因此,移民文章当中体现的冲突只是暂时的,融合才是永久。仔细分析冲突的体现方式可以体现在以下几个方面:

(1). Language语言方面冲突


She spoke each word with such clarity that I was certain a foreigner who didn’t understand English could have understood her. (引自2013年10月SAT考试:有关非洲移民)

But my father and uncle still spoke the same halting English. My mother spoke only a few words. I began to translate conversations they had with the customers, switching between English and Chinese. (2008年10月SAT考试:有关亚洲移民)

(2). Symbol(主要是肤色)方面冲突


They liked to assess for us kids the looks, ethnicity, demeanor, intelligence and other vital signs of the real Asian a commentary they delivered in a manner as succinct and passionate as that of a sports announcer.(2008年1月SAT考试:有关亚洲移民)

2. Personal identity个人身份的迷失 (traditional identity → current identity)

这里举一个这样的例子来说明移民者们身份的丢失应该非常恰当:在美国出生的ABC经常被人们称为“banana”,原因也就是他们的外表是黄种人,但其思想已经被白人同化了,与香蕉外黄内白的特点非常吻合。ETS其实非常矛盾,它一方面希望通过SAT考试号召移民者们尽快融入新的环境文化当中,但同时又热切呼吁移民者们不要忘记自己的母体文化,也就是寻找丢失的Personal identity。

下面一段文字是来自于2010年1月份的SAT考试,文章讨论一个African American writer traveling to Africa for the first time,回到自己的故土非洲,按理说应该感觉非常亲切,但是文章里却出现了这样的一段描述:

All the eyes are brown, a deep rich and dark brown, eyes that speak to me but in a language I do not understand. Every woman sneaks a glance; every man stares. I am more than stranger, I am also strange. 文中主人公对故土非常陌生,甚至已经忘记了故土的语言,而同时故乡的人们也对主人公非常好奇。于是乎,作为一个移民者,他的传统身份已经完全丢失。

而在另外一篇2006年10月份的SAT考试中,文章谈论了一个African American就the historical relationship between Black Americans and Black Africans发表了自己的观点:

A Kikongo proverb states, “A tree cannot stand without its roots.”Another Kikongo proverb reminds us that “one can only steal a sleeping baby: once awake, she will look for her parents.”This is a maxim that conveys the seemingly instinctive pull of one’s heritage, our inborn curiosity in our origins, the quest we all share for self-identification and self-knowledge. 文章用了两个谚语来凸显非洲的母体文化对于非洲移民者们的重要性。

新SAT阅读之演讲:Declaration of Conscience
新SAT阅读之演讲:Statement on the Articles of Impeachment