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针对CR部分, 有哪些阅读材料可以使用?

每一部分的材料, 最好在时候, 以什么样的方式来使用?

下面, 我针对所有世面上的SAT资料, 做了一个统计, 也做了一个说明, 希望大家可以好好利用, 不要在CR的准备上走太多弯路.

A. Official Guide 2nd Edition:

----详细情况: 2版的OG相比1版的OG, 去除了1版OG中最难的Test 1, 加入了1版OG中没有的3套新的真题(2006年10月, 2007年1月和2007年5月), 再把1版OG中的Test 2-8平移成了2版OG中的Test 4-10, 也就是说是下面这样的情况:

OG 1st Edition Test 1------废除 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 1------2006年10月真题

OG 2nd Edition Test 2------2007年1月真题

OG 2nd Edition Test 3------2007年5月真题

OG 2nd Edition Test 4------OG 1st Edition Test 2 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 5------OG 1st Edition Test 3 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 6------OG 1st Edition Test 4 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 7------OG 1st Edition Test 5 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 8------OG 1st Edition Test 6 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 9------OG 1st Edition Test 7 (含官方讲解)

OG 2nd Edition Test 10------OG 1st Edition Test 8 (含官方讲解)

----使用建议: 建议大家使用OG来作为最先了解SAT考试的材料, 一是因为这部分题目含有官方给出的讲解, 比较合适大家自查错误; 二是因为这部分题目的考点较为集中, 比较合适用来熟悉考点; 三是这部分题目和真题没有重复(除了2版OG的前3套), 不会减少大家的模考材料. 所以, 建议大家拿OG来做最开始的学习材料, 但是请把2版OG的前3套空出来, 将来作为模考的价值会更大.

B. Online Course

----详细情况: Online Course, 简称OC, 是早期QAS题目还未流传开来之前最好的复习材料之一. OC的内容往往来自于往年的真题(尤其是一些SUNDAY题, 即因为犹太人假期导致考生无法参加于周六举行的正常考试时在周日举行的补测, 会考和周六完全不同的另一套题), 最初有六套, 我们称之为6 Practice Tests, 在College Board的官方网站上大家都可以买到. 同时CB为了促进OC的销售, 也在不断地更新OC中的考卷内容, 所以大家现在能够买到的OC可能有10套真题, 但是这些真题也大多都是历史山上的QAS或者SUNDAY题.


Online Course Test 1 (含官方讲解)

Online Course Test 2------2002年1月真题 (含官方讲解)

Online Course Test 3 (含官方讲解)

Online Course Test 4 (含官方讲解)

Online Course Test 5 (含官方讲解)

Online Course Test 6 (含官方讲解)

Online Course New Test 1------2006年5月真题 (含官方讲解)

Online Course New Test 2------2007年5月(SUN)真题 (含官方讲解)

Online Course New Test 3------2007年10月真题 (含官方讲解)

----使用建议: Online Course的题目虽然来自于真题, 但是其中的大部分题目属于历史上的SUNDAY题, 所以其考察方式和真题还是有一定的差别, 而且经过重新的编排以后, 其难度呈现非常大的不规律性, 所以建议大家可以在备考初期作为熟悉考点和题型的材料, 但是不建议在考前使用(因为其不规律性以及和真题之间的差别).

C. 1995-2004年的老SAT真题:

----详细情况: 1995-2004年的老SAT真题中阅读文章的出题方式和考察要点和2005年3月开始的新SAT真题几乎完全一致. 两者的差别在于老SAT真题中没有短文章(即没有单短也没有短比), 而且难度要比新SAT真题更高. 所以这部分的文章内容特别合适需要挑战高分的同学. 1995-2004年一共有11份, 分别是:





1997年5月------OG 2nd Edition Test 8




2002年1月------Online Course Test 2



*SUN代表SUNDAY题, 是在平时考试周六之后的周日题, 一般会作为Practice Booklet或者Online Course等出版物被CB贩卖出来, 下同.

----使用建议: 建议考前需要冲击高分的同学用来作为难题使用. 老题中除了阅读题以外, 还有一些和新题的出题方式一致的词汇填空题, 大家也可以花一些时间好好利用.

D. 2005-最新的新SAT真题:

----详细情况: 自从2005年3月SAT考试改革后, 去除了当年考察的类比题以后, 又新加入了语法写作部分, 考试的总分由过去的1600分(CR+M)变成了现在的2400分(CR+M+WR), 这也是为什么现在很多的牛校仍然单看CR和数学两门分数的原因(认为和过去持平, WR和学生的智商以及表现没有直接的联系). 所以这部分题目就是现有的所有SAT新题的真题.

而一年中的7次SAT考试中(每年的1/3/5/6/10/11/12, 其中3月只有美国会举办考试, 亚洲没有考试), 一般只有1/5/10三个月份的考卷会由官方的QAS(Question and Answer Service)来给出并提供给同学. 只要学生在考前报名的时候缴纳了25美金的费用, 就可以在考试日期后的2-3个月左右接到由CB寄来的考试样题, 这份样题除了没有Experimental Section的内容以外, 其他地方都和考生当时考察的考卷一样. 所以说, 每年的1/5/10月的这3份考卷会是大家备考时最有利的工具.

下面就是从2005年开始, 直到现在为止的最新的所有20套QAS考卷的情况:





2006年10月------OG 2nd Edition Test 1

2007年1月------OG 2nd Edition Test 2

2007年5月------OG 2nd Edition Test 3

2007年5月(SUN)------Online Course New Test 2

2007年10月------Online Course New Test 3












----使用建议: 真题相对来说是SAT考试之中最具备价值的资料, 在考生备考的过程中, 所有的考试技巧和准备方法都应该来自于真题. 所以大家对于真题的处理方法是: 不断做, 反复做, 死命做. 但是光光死做也是不足够的, 我建议大家在做题之余, 还要补充进自己的想法, 同时做相应的总结. 比如难词, 长难句, 难题都是可以收集起来做成错题本的内容的, 这样的一本错题本在考试之前看一看, 可以有一种提纲挈领, 令人霍然开朗的感觉.

同时, 因为真题是最接近下次考试的题目, 我建议大家可以保留真题中最新的3-5套, 用来在考试之前或者准备过程中做阶段性的模拟测试, 看看自己能够达到一个什么样的水准, 也能有助于大家确定下一步的复习方向.

E. PSAT真题:

----详细情况: PSAT考试, 属于美国学生在参加SAT考试之前, 可以选择参加的一项用来评估自己SAT分数的考试(其总分为240分, 简单地说, 每分可以对应SAT考试的10分). PSAT每年举行2次, 都是在10月份, 其中一次为周三, 另一次为周六, 间隔只有3天. 考试结束之后考生会知道自己的分数, 同样可以拿到自己的考卷和答题情况. 为什么这里要专门讨论PSAT考卷这个资料呢? 因为从考察的题型和难度来讲, PSAT真题可能是除了SAT真题的QAS之外, 在出题思路和考察要点上和SAT真题最为相似的一份资料了. 唯一的差别在于PSAT的难度略小于SAT, 题目数量也比SAT要少. 但是在还没有背完单词, 想要练习却又没有足够的资料的时候, PSAT的阅读可以成为大家最好的准备材料.

我手上有17份PSAT真题, 全部来自2000年之后的PSAT考试, 有一些无法确定精确的考试时间, 我用编号来代替:


















----使用建议: 强烈建议大家在背单词的阶段, 可以用PSAT的题目作为各个部分(数学/语法改错/词汇填空/阅读)的备考资料来熟悉题型和考点。

下面来看一篇SAT阅读素材:Game design。

Game design

Game design starts with an idea,[3][4][5][6] often a modification on an existing concept.[3][7] The game idea may fall within one or several genres. Designers often experiment with mixing genres.[8][9] The game designer usually produces an initial game proposal document containing the concept, gameplay, feature list, setting and story, target audience, requirements and schedule, staff and budget estimates.[10]

Many decisions are made during the course of a game's development about the game's design; it is the responsibility of the designer to decide which elements will be implemented, based on, for example, consistency with the game's vision, budget or hardware limitations.[11] Design changes may have a significant positive or negative impact on required resources.

The designer may use scripting languages to implement and preview design ideas without necessarily modifying the game's codebase.

Game designer

A game designer is a person who designs gameplay, conceiving and designing the rules and structure of a game.[22][23][24] Many designers start their career in testing department, where mistakes by others can be seen first-hand.

Lead designer coordinates the work of other designers and is the main visionary of the game.[26][27] Lead designer ensures team communication, makes large design decisions, and presents design outside of the team.[28] Often the lead designer is technically and artistically astute.[29] Keeping well-presented documentation also falls within the lead designer responsibilities.[30] Lead designer may be the founder of a game development company or may be sent by the publisher, if the game's concept is provided by the publisher.

Game mechanic designer designs and balances gameplay mechanics.

Level designer or environment designer is a position becoming prominent in the recent years.[31] Level designer is the person responsible for creating game environment, levels, and missions.

Writer is a person often employed part-time to conceive game's narrative, dialogue, commentary, cutscene narrative, journals, video game packaging content, hint system, etc.[36][37][38][39] It is responsibility of the writer to collaborate with primary designers[40][39] to seamlessly place this content into the game, creating immersion, avoiding repetition, providing feedback, etc.[41] Writing for games involves a different set of skills from those for traditional works, such as novels. A writer spends a lot of time with other designers. Writing believable character language is a talent.




ShiTiesheng (1951 - ) from Beijing, China famous contemporary writer and thinker .

1958, Dongcheng District, Beijing Wang adults into primary school , junior high school in 1967, graduated from Tsinghua High School Ministry . Then, in 1969, to Yan'an Region " jump the queue ." 1972 due to illness caused by paralysis of the legs back to Beijing . 1974 to 1981 [ 2 ] in Beixinqiao Street factory , due to exacerbations convalesce at home . 1979 began to publish works .

Sheng is the most admired contemporary Chinese writers, he loves his mother died of cancer . His writing and his life is completely homogeneous in together , in his " Writing Night," sheng with mutilated body, say the most robust and full of ideas . He had experienced the misery of life , but it is expressed uncertainty exists and joy , his wise words , but is our increasingly illuminated the dark heart. His "disease gap broken pen" OO two years as two of the most important harvest of Chinese literature , always thinking about life and death , mutilated and love, suffering and faith , writing and art and other major issues , and answered , "I " How presence , how to live out the spirit of universal significance to these problems. While most writers in the face of consumerism era abandon basic human condition, the sheng has lived in his heart , still struggling to recourse to the value of man as man , and glory, still firmly embarked on the existence of inhospitable terrain , firmly fight with unknown things , the courage and dedication, we deeply aroused the vigilance of their own situation and care which .

Some sheng early novels, such as " lunch for half an hour ," and so on, with exposed "dark side " Literature. Published in 1983 "My distant Qingping Bay " is a sheng , was also the novels of important works . It was explained at several levels : it expands or " educated youth literature" vision , or it is in literature " Roots" on the meaning. In the " Roots" issue, the authors expressed the opinion, " 'root' and ' roots ' is never the same two different things. A mere yes, where they come from and why we want to come Another also for : We where to go and how to go . " Regarding the latter, he believes that " it is to see the absurdity of life , go for the spirit to find a reliable basis for " ( " Sunday · generation of postscript ," China Press 1983 edition ) .

Sheng physical disability, personal experience , so that some of his novels written by the plight of the disabled and mental difficulties. But he goes beyond the fate of pity for the disabled and sighed , which rose for the universality of survival , especially in the spirit of " disability " phenomenon concerns. And another novelist different, he had no ethnic, geographical characteristics of emotional life to pursue his personal spiritual journey to writing as a narrative and exploration. "The universe with its endless desire for eternity will be a dance refining this desire to have what a human name, big negligible " ( sheng "I and the altar " ) . This for the " Disabled " ( in sheng view, all people are disabled , defective ) to survive sustained attention , making his prose has a strong philosophical meaning . His narrative has witnessed the experience and through a tender , but the fate of the sentimental ; but there are struggles for the absurd and predestination . " Life as String " is a struggle to get the meaning of existence absurd fable .


新SAT阅读之演讲:Declaration of Conscience