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做 SAT 写作时,怎样构思一个有吸引力的开头?

2024年07月04日18:41 来源:小站整理
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摘要:在 SAT 写作中,构思一个有吸引力的开头可以采用以下几种方法:

在 SAT 写作中,构思一个有吸引力的开头可以采用以下几种方法:


  1. 提出引人深思的问题

    • 例如:“In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, how do we ensure that it benefits humanity rather than causing harm?” 这种问题能够引起读者的好奇心,促使他们想要知道您将如何在文中探讨答案。
  2. 讲述生动的个人经历或故事

    • 比如:“I still remember the day I witnessed a powerful act of kindness that changed my perspective on human nature forever.” 通过分享个人的真实感受和经历,能让读者产生共鸣并想要继续了解更多。
  3. 引用令人震撼的统计数据或事实

    • 像 “Did you know that over 80% of students struggle with test anxiety, yet few receive adequate support?” 这样的惊人数据会立刻抓住读者的注意力,让他们意识到问题的重要性和严重性。
  4. 描绘一个引人入胜的场景

    • 比如:“The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the empty playground. It was a scene that seemed peaceful, but beneath the surface, a battle was brewing.” 生动的场景描写可以为文章营造出特定的氛围和情境。
  5. 给出一个与普遍观点相悖的论点

    • 例如:“Contrary to popular belief, success is not solely determined by intelligence but rather by a combination of perseverance and adaptability.” 这种反常规的观点会激发读者的兴趣,促使他们想要看看您如何论证。
  6. 运用富有感染力的名言警句

    • 比如:“As Mahatma Gandhi once said, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' This statement holds true especially in the context of our current social challenges.” 名人的话语往往具有权威性和影响力,能够吸引读者的关注。
  7. 进行有趣的假设或想象

    • 比如:“Imagine a world without music. A world where silence reigns and creativity is stifled. Such a thought is not only terrifying but also highlights the immense value of artistic expression.” 这种想象能够激发读者的想象力,引导他们进入您的论述。




例如,如果您的写作主题是关于环境保护,您可以这样开头:“Picture a city smothered in a thick blanket of smog, where children can't play outside and the elderly struggle to breathe. This is not a dystopian future; it's a reality we are rapidly approaching unless we take immediate action to protect our environment.” 这个开头通过描绘一个令人担忧的场景,引起了读者对环境保护问题的重视和关注。






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