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2015年03月03日14:01 来源:小站整理
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There is always a “however”. Each situation has its benefits and drawbacks. In the field of market finance, we find a compelling example that supports this thesis.

Although it is good to stand out and make one’s own decision, sometimes it is beneficial to take the advice of others. We can see through the demise of King Lear that he should not have ignored Kent’s warning to not disown Cordelia. The ignominious lose of Sweden in the Great Northern War also demonstrate that others should listen to his advisers.





Truth is not objective.Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:

Akira Kurosawa’s film masterpiece Rashomon portrays several people who have witnessed a death. As each observer recounts the event as he or she witnessed it, we come to realize that each person’s story varies greatly from every other account. Watching the movie, we reflect that the truth of an experience—and perhaps all truth—is different for each person.

Assignment: What is your opinion of the claim that truth is not objective, but rather is determined by each individual? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.



Great confidence is often put into what people see or hear. In a court, a judge will listen to witnesses and regard their words as evidence. However, is it possible that what we take in by eyes or ears[1], in another word, what we regard as ‘truth’, are not objective?


Great confidence is often put into what people see or hear. In a court, a judge will listen to witnesses and regard their words as evidence. Is it possible that what we see and hear, or what we regard as the ‘truth’, is not objective?




This is a case concerning two characters, Heathcliff and Cathy, in the novel Wutherring Heights by Emily Bronte. Heathcliff took his departure after his eavesdropping Cathy’s dialogue with another woman. He heard part of the dialogue, in which Cathy appeared to be so vain that she regarded marriage with Heathcliff as adjective. From Heathcliff’s angle, we truly recount the event as he did and feel sorry for him from bottom of our hearts. But look at the other side of the story: Cathy was expressing her love for him, despite their difference in social status. Here, we come to realize that Cathy’s love for him was real and deep. From this example we know that things differs from various vision angle.


This is a case concerning two characters, Heathcliff and Cathy, in the novel Wutherring Heights by Emily Bronte. Heathcliff left after he heard Cathy speaking with another woman about her disdain toward marrying him.[2] From Heathcliff’s point of view, we truly feel sorry for him.

But from the other side of the coin, Cathy was actually expressing her love for him despite their different social status. Here, we come to realize that Cathy’s love for him was real and deep. From this example we can see that not everyone views things the same.[3]




Another story about a stealth took place in ancient China. A man losing his ax, considering his neighbor as the thief, but he had no proof. Meeting[4] his neighbor the next morning in town, he observed him carefully and thoroughly, and every detail he caught strengthen his confidence in his suspicion. Yet a week later, the ax was found accidentally brought out by his son. He then go and see the neighbor, and all he saw was a common[5] innocent individual with neither trace nor tendency to stealth[6]. Due to various points of view, he found what he saw varies. This story tells us that what we see is determined by what we think. Therefore, each individual decides truth.


Anther example is about a theft that took place in ancient China. A man, who lost his ax, believed his neighbor took it although he had no proof.[7] When he met his neighbor in town the next morning, he observed him carefully and what he saw strengthened his suspicion. A week later, the ax was found by the owner’s son. He then went to see his neighbor and all he saw was an innocent person with no trace of stealth. He realized his unfounded suspicion had deceived his own eyes. This story tells us that what we see is determined by what we think. Therefore, truth is often not objective.




The two examples led us to a conclusion that truth is not objective, but rather is determined by each individual, and this is my position towards this issue.


The two examples above demonstrate that truth is not objective but rather is determined by the individual.





本文没有太多的理论阐述,文章基本上以举例为主,通过举例得出自己的观点。本文讲了两个例子,一个是《呼啸山庄》中的 故事,另外一个例子是中国古代的例子。两个例子都支持了作者的观点,特别是第二个例子更贴切。而且两个例子相互对应,一个中国的,一个外国的;一个来自于 民间故事,一个是文学名著;这样两个例子比较全面,让人信服。


[1] 原文的说法太啰嗦,直接用what I see and hear既简练又清楚。

[2] 改后稿把原文的两句话通过用两个介词about和toward合并成了一句,使句子简洁。

[3] 原句和改后稿侧重的角度不同,原句侧重事情从不同角度看不一样,改后稿侧重人对于事物有不同认识,改后稿的意思更符合本文论证的观点。


[5] 这里的common没有表达任何意思,而且也没有common individual这样的说法。应用average persons, average 比 common 好,因为前者有阶级差别的含义,当今美国英语很少用这个词。

[6] 句中所用动词时态不一致,对过去事情的描写应都用过去时。

[7] 原习作的前半句用了两个分词结构,没有主要动词,是不完整的句子。




Recommendatory Models for the First Paragraph

Model 1:江湖救急

Speaking of/When it comes to…, some people think that… while others argue that….For me, …

Apply to yes or no/A or B/Enumeration

Model 2: 实用有效

I agree/disagree that….Admittedly,…However,…

Only apply to yes or no.

The college years are the best time in a person’s life.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I disagree that the college years are the best time in a person’s life. Admittedly, college often corresponds with a time when people are young, healthy, and physically strong, and those attributes are highly regarded in Western cultures. However, the college years must also be viewed as a period of high stress and a certain uncomfortable dependence. (57) (Barron P648)

Model 3: 从远处走来…:背景+主题+观点:

Nowadays, the growth of economy brings a great many changes one of which is the improvement of….This has led to a consequential controversy on what generated the change. One leading view is…while another….

理解1: 这种从远处走来就是把题干中的背景, 如001号题说大家上大学, 就是把这种现象的原因给出来, 经济原因是万经由(万能理由). 所以上面给出一个模板3的模板, 就是由经济起到我们教育的主题.

理解2: 我们也可能采用把题干中的现象展开, 细说一下现在人物是如何的把上大学已经是作为一种义务教育一下, 而不像是十年前的一种少数人的可以实现的梦. 同时也可以强调一下学历的重要性.

In today’s climate where it seems that only talents armed with honorable degrees can gain easy access to the gate towards glory success, people in growing numbers are crowding into the colleges where they will sacrifice their most valuable years in the lifetime. Yet, are the college years that have played an imperative part in a person’s life the best experience? I really doubt it. (65) (Original)

Model 4: 3+1排比

Nowadays, for those high students who are struggling in an abominably lot of examinations, college must be the dreaming paradise with no pressure for tests; for those who are avid for a job opportunity, college experience must be the glorious trump; for those who have never and ever roamed on any college campus for some reason, college must be the eternal regret. It seems undeniable that college years are the best time in a person’s life. But I really doubt it. (78) (Original)

总之: 模板3与模板4都是题干的背景与成因展开. 模板4更为强调语言的功力。

模板1与模板2都是比较容易的一套就可以, 后两个模板是留给大家一点发展空间.






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