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SAT写作官方样题考生范文:Why Literature Matters(1)

2017年04月19日15:32 来源:小站教育作者:小站SAT编辑
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本文给大家分享SAT写作样题“Why Literature Matters”的一篇范文,本文得分1 1 1,作文题目及更多分数段范文,请点击入口

SAT写作官方样题考生范文:Why Literature Matters(1)图1


Sample 1 Scores: 1/1/1

Dana Gioia builds an argument designed and commissioned by the National Endowment for the Arts. Americans declined for eight of the nine major forms that are measured. College attendance ballooned, and access to information increased enormously.

Some of the younger kids showed in the arts and espically literature actually diminished. The significane of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. The magazine issue of Wired, for example, sketches a new set of mental skill and habits proper to the 21st century, aptitudes deadely literally in character: not “linear, logical, and analytical talents.”

Reading is not timeless universal capability.

This paper scored a 1/1/1.

Reading—1: This response demonstrates little comprehension of Gioia’s text. The response is almost entirely composed of ideas and phrases taken directly from the passage. Although the writer does demonstrate that the writer has read the passage by referring to the Wired article (the writer conveys that employers are looking for aptitudes deadely literally in character: not “linear, logical, and analytical talents”) and including a notable point in the passage (Reading is not [a] timeless universal capability), there is very little evidence that the writer actually understands Gioia’s main argument, and the response is limited to presenting seemingly randomly chosen details from the passage. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate reading comprehension.

Analysis—1: The writer demonstrates no real understanding of the analytical task and offers no discernible analysis of the source text. The writer does not describe Gioia’s use of evidence, reasoning, or stylistic or persuasive elements, nor does the writer attempt to explain the importance of these elements to Gioia’s argument. The brief response is largely comprised of ideas and phrases taken directly from the passage. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate analysis.

Writing—1: This response demonstrates little cohesion and insufficient skill in the use and control of language. The writer includes no clear central claim or controlling idea and instead jumps into repeating ideas and phrases from the passage. There is no real organization or progression of ideas, either in paragraphs or in the essay as a whole. Furthermore, there is little to no evidence of the writer’s own writing ability since most of the response is taken directly from Gioia’s text. Overall, this response demonstrates inadequate control of language and writing skill.





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