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SAT Essay写作练习话题汇总(5)

2017年08月15日15:31 来源:互联网
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SAT Essay写作练习话题汇总(5)图1

1.Think carefully about the following passage and the assignment below.

The passion for change almost always leads to tension between those who want change and those who don’t. Most advocates of change equate change with progress, an improvement of some kind. Those supporting the status quo perceive change as a threat—a threat to their well being, a threat to their traditions and values, even a threat to their basic rights. As of yet, no one has devised a way to bring about change without conflict.


Plan and write an essay that comments on the validity of this description of change. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your studies, experience, observation, or reading.

2.Think carefully about the following passage and the assignment below.

We thought that he was everything

To make us wish that we were in his place

These words from Edwin Arlington Robinson’s famous poem “Richard Cory” describe what people often feel when they see others who apparently lead happier, richer, more content lives than they do.


The kind of envy to which Robinson refers may serve as a strong motivating force for some people to improve their condition and place in life. On the other hand, envy may be a self-defeating and ultimately frustrating emotion because it may lead people to strive in vain for unattainable goals. In your view, is envy generally a positive or a negative force in people’s lives? To support your position, use reasoning and examples taken from your studies, reading, or personal observation and experience.

3.Think carefully about the following passage and the assignment below.

Passage 1

Educators recognize that academic growth is the highest priority of a school. To assure that academic growth is not impeded by participation in athletics and other activities, certain restrictions must be placed on student participation. These restrictions are intended for the students’ guidance and assistance and are meant to contribute to the achievement of the goals set by schools in carrying out their mission.




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