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2015年11月11日15:40 来源:小站整理
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摘要:新SAT中Natural Science(自然科普文章,有图表题)自然科学类篇章的主要考察范围没有发生变化,生物、地理和天文等仍是常考范围。一起来看看自然科学类的文章改如何备考。



This passage is adapted from Ed Yong,“Turtles Use the Earth’s Magnetic Field as Global GPS.” ©2011 by KalmbachPublishing Co.

In 1996, a loggerhead turtle called Adelita swamacross 9,000 miles from Mexico to Japan, crossing the entire Pacific on her way. Wallace J.Nichols tracked this epic journey with asatellite tag. But Adelita herself had no such technology at her disposal.How did she steer aroute across two oceans to find her destination?

NathanPutman has the answer. By testing hatchling turtles in a special tank, he hasfound that they can use the Earth’s magnetic field as their own GlobalPositioning System (GPS). By sensing the field, they can work out both theirlatitude and longitude and head in the right direction.

Putman works in the lab of Ken Lohmann, who has beenstudying the magnetic abilities of loggerheads for over 20 years. In his lab at the University of NorthCarolina, Lohmann places hatchlings in a largewater tank surrounded by a large grid of electromagnetic coils. In 1991, hefound that the babies started in the opposite direction if he used the coils to reversethe direction of the magnetic field around them.They could usethe field as a compass to get their bearing

Later,Lohmann showed that they can also use the magnetic field to work out theirposition. For them, this is literally a matter of life or death. Hatchlings born off the sea coast ofFlorida spend their early lives inthe North Atlantic gyre, a warm current that circles between North America andAfrica. If they’re swept towards the cold waters outside the gyre, they die.Their magnetic sense keeps them safe.

Using his coil-surrounded tank, Lohmann could mimicthe magnetic field at different parts of the Earth’s surface. If he simulated the field at thenorthern edge of the gyre, the hatchlings swam southwards. If he simulated thefield at the gyre’s southern edge, the turtles swam west-northwest. Theseexperiments showed that the turtles can use theirmagnetic sense to work out their latitude their position on a north-south axis Now, Putman has shown that they can also determine their longitude—theirposition on an east-west axis

Hetweaked his magnetic tanks to simulate the fields in two positions with thesame latitude at opposite ends of the Atlantic. If the field simulated the westAtlantic near Puerto Rico, the turtles swam northeast. If the field matchedthat on the east Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands, the turtles swam southwest.In the wild, both headings would keep them within the safe, warm embrace of theNorth Atlantic gyre.

Before now, we knew that several animal migrants,from loggerheads to reed warblers to sparrows, had some way of workingout longitude, but no oneknew how. By keeping the turtlesin the same conditions, with only the magnetic fields around them changing,Putman clearly showed that they can use these fields to find their way. In the wild, they might well also useother landmarks like the position of the sea, sun and stars

Putmanthinks that the turtles work out their position using two featuresof the Earth’s magnetic field that change over its surface They can sense the field’sinclination, or the angle at which it dips towards the surface. At the poles,this angle is roughly 90 degrees and at the equator, it’s roughly zero degrees.They can also sense its intensity, which is strongest near the poles andweakest near the Equator. Different parts of the world have unique combinationsof these two variables. Neithercorresponds directly to either latitude or longitude, but together, theyprovide a “magnetic signature” that tells the turtle where it is

Orientation of Hatchling Loggerheads Tested in Magnetic Fields


Adapted from Nathan Putman, Courtney Endres, Catherine Lohmann, and Kenneth Lohmann, “Longitude Perception and Bicoordinate Magnetic Maps in Sea Turtles.” ©2011 by Elsevier Inc.



Orientation of hatchling loggerheads tested in a magneticfield that simulates a position at the west side of the Atlantic near PuertoRico (left) and a position at the east side of the Atlantic near the Cape VerdeIslands (right). The arrow in each circle indicates the mean direction that thegroup of hatchlings swam. Data are plotted relative to geographic north 1. The passage most strongly suggests thatAdelita used which of the following to navigate her 9,000-mile journey?

(a) The current of the North Atlantic gyre

(b) Cues from electromagnetic coils designed byPutman and Lohmann

(c) The inclination and intensity of Earth’smagnetic field

(d) A simulated “magnetic signature” configuredby Lohmann

2.Whichchoice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

(a) Lines 1–2 (“In 1996...way”)

(b) Lines 23–24 (“Using...surface”)

(c) Lines 41–42 (“In the wild...stars”)

(d)Lines 49–51 (“ is”)

3.As used in line 3, “tracked” mostnearly means

(a) searched for.

(b) traveled over.

(c) followed.

(d) hunted.

4. Based on the passage, which choice bestdescribes the relationship between Putman’s and Lohmann’s research?

(a) Putman’s research contradicts Lohmann’s.

(b)Putman’s research builds on Lohmann’s.

(c) Lohmann’s research confirms Putman’s.

(d) Lohmann’s research corrects Putman’s.

5, The author refers to reed warblers andsparrows(line 37) primarilyto

(a) contrast the loggerhead turtle’s migrationpatterns with those of other species.

(b) provide examples of species that share one ofthe loggerhead turtle’s abilities.

(c) suggest that most animal species possess someability to navigate long distances.

(d) illustrate some ways in which the ability tonavigate long distances can help a species

6. It can reasonably be inferred from the passage andgraphic that if scientists adjusted the coils to reverse the magnetic fieldsimulating that in the East Atlantic (Cape Verde Islands), the hatchlings wouldmost likely swim in which direction?

(a) Northwest

(b) Northeast

(c) Southeast

(d) Southwest

新SAT中Natural Science(自然科普文章,有图表题)自然科学类篇章的主要考察范围没有发生变化,生物、地理和天文等仍是常考范围。在原有题型基础上,增加了2 题左右的图表信息题。总体难度不难,看得懂图表、读懂问题与选项,推理出问题与图表的关系即可做出。






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