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2016年10月13日15:40 来源:小站整理
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所谓主旨题,顾名思义,就是考察文章段落或全篇内容的主旨大意的题目。OG中将主旨题(proposition)做了如下定义:Proposition questions require you to think about the “big ideas” in the passage and how they can be refined to better clarify and structure the writer’s message.


主旨题的提问形式主要有这两种:Which choice most effectively establishes the central claim of the passage?/Which sentence most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?


Thesis statement expresses the main idea of the overall passage.

Topic sentences are used to help structure and clarify the focus of the paragraphs. (常规段落分论点出现在段首或段末,非常规段分论点出现在段中。)

Claims and counterclaims are features specific to arguments.

新SAT文法部分的文章,仅就文本而言(遣词造句,修辞手法甚至标点符号),经过了深思熟虑、精心布局、字斟句酌,其传达的理念也是我们需要去把握的。本文将从题目中(文章体裁以argumentative, informative , narrative为例)对新SAT想传达的美式价值观进行一个简要的分析。


Style :Presents opinions and facts, includes analysis of evidence, can include more forceful language

KH:Judithe Hernandez and the Chicana Artistic Voice

Judithe Hernandez’s art career began in Los Angeles during the socially and politically turbulent 1960s. While enrolled as a graduate student at the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles, Hernandez met fellow student Carlos Almaraz, one of the founding members of the Chicano artist collective known as “Los Four.” At Almarez’s request, Hernandez joined “Los Four” as its fifth, and only female, member. Hernandez became well known for her work with this revolutionary group of artists, who are credited with establishing Chicano art as its own distinctive school of (US) American art. 3 Less known but equally important, however, is the role Hernandez played in providing a female voice within what was at that time a predominantly male Chicano art movement.

Question 3:Which choice most effectively establishes the central claim of the passage?


(B)The Chicano Movement, also known as “EI Movimiento,” began in the 1940s with the explicit goat of empowering Mexican-Americans.

(C)Judithe Hernandez was born to progressive Mexican-American in Los Angeles that encouraged her involvement in the arts from any early age.

(D)In the 1960s, Chicano art was often displayed as public murals intended to create the dialogue about the issues faced by Mexican- Americans.

正确选项:A. 美国大学理事会主席科尔曼在接受媒体采访时给出的篇目:一类是美国立国的法律文献,如《独立宣言》、《美国宪法》及其修正案;一类是美国开国先贤们关于美利坚合众国国家体制、政府架构、联邦与成员国(州)权力分配、人的基本权利等的讨论文章,再有就是涉及美国历史进程中最为重大时间的一些文献,如《葛底斯堡演说》(涉及南北战争)、《四项宣言》(涉及男女平等,妇女解放等)、《寄自伯明翰监狱的信》(涉及种族平等、公民权力等)。同学们在进行课外阅读的时候,可以多关注此类文章。


Style :Presents facts but not opinions, avoids casual language, often includes definitions

KH:The Battle Against White Nose Syndrome

6 There is federal funding available to support research on WNS. With grants already in excess of $ 17.4 million, scientists are conducting epidemiological research in order to determine the most effective agents to combat the disease.

Question 6:Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?


B)In order to prevent the further spread of WNS, bat hibernation sites have been closed off to human activity other than scientific research.

C)Work by numerous government and nonprofit agencies and the cooperation of ordinary citizens have been critical in efforts to prevent further decimation of bat populations by WNS.

D)Scientists are searching for genetic commonalities between various bat species to determine what causes WNS susceptibility or resistance.

正确选项:C. 这个选项肯定了政府,非盈利组织和市民合作在防止蝙蝠受到进一步杀害方面起到的关键作用。这也和恩格斯所说的“历史合力”是一个概念:要充分调动包括社区、家庭、学校、公司、NGO组织等在内的各种社会资源来形成蔚然成风的合力。至于提及动物的文本,基本上都会向考生传递保护濒危动物的正能量。


Style :More casual in style, uses descriptive language, often in first person voice, can include dialogue or quotations

KH: Personal Anthropology

Ethnographers work anywhere from communities in small villages to bustling cities, but their work is always the same: listening to someone else’s story. A subfield of anthropology, ethnography is the study of people and the cultures in which they live. While an objective approach to collecting and sharing information is traditionally encouraged, 3 anthropology professor Ruth Behar believes that integrating her personal experience into her work is not only inevitable but valuable. Doing so, Behar argues, allows readers to better connect with her work.

Which choice most effectively states the central idea developed throughout the passage?


B)some anthropologists believe that a level-headed, detached observation is the best way to approach ethnography.

C)some anthropologists believe that information about anthropological subjects should not be catalogued traditionally.

D)anthropology professor Ruth Behar believes in working directly with people when studying

正确选项:A. 这里题提及的露丝·贝哈(Ruth Behar,1956— ),是犹太古巴裔美国作家,密歇根大学人类学系教授。露丝·贝哈的书,有一个共同的他点,就是会评估自身情感和经验对研究及写作的影响。选项中提及将个人经验融入作品中不仅是不可避免的,而且是大有价值的。这里传递出来的也是美国教育体系中知识和实践(融合社会实践和知情意行各个维度)。








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