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2024年06月26日11:13 来源:小站整理
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摘要:以下是几道 SAT 阅读理解练习题:

以下是几道 SAT 阅读理解练习题:


Passage 1:


In the early 1900s, the automobile was a novelty. Only the wealthy could afford one, and they were often unreliable. But as technology advanced, the car became more accessible and dependable. By the 1950s, the car had transformed the way Americans lived, worked, and traveled.


Question: The main idea of the passage is that _.
A. the automobile was invented in the early 1900s
B. the automobile became more common and important over time
C. the wealthy were the only ones who could buy cars in the early 1900s
D. technology made cars more reliable


Passage 2:


The forest is a complex ecosystem. It provides habitat for countless species, regulates the climate, and purifies the air. However, human activities such as deforestation are threatening its survival. We must take steps to protect the forest and ensure its continued health.


Question: What is the main purpose of this passage?
A. To describe the functions of the forest
B. To explain the threats to the forest
C. To advocate for the protection of the forest
D. To compare the forest to other ecosystems


Passage 3:


Artists throughout history have used different mediums to express their creativity. From paintings to sculptures to digital art, the possibilities are endless. Each medium offers unique challenges and opportunities for the artist.


Question: What can we infer from the passage?
A. There are only a few mediums for artists to choose from.
B. Digital art is the most popular medium among artists.
C. Artists are always looking for new ways to express themselves.
D. Sculptures are more difficult to create than paintings.










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