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  They have been mentioned more than 56 million times on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter. Everyone wants to be their friend, but no one likes them. They seem to be everywhere, throwing around their newly minted renminbi and well-used UnionPay debit cards; yet they are elusive and shun the media. Their love for bling has become the backbone of the global luxury goods industry, yet they are also the subject of disdain, the butt of jokes, the punching bag for that which is offensive to good taste.


  They are the tuhao -- tu means dirt or uncouth; hao means splendor -- and they are the Beverly Hillbillies of China.


  注:Beverly Hillbillies《贝弗利山人》是美国的一部著名情景喜剧,讲述一家暴发户迁到富豪名人聚居的贝弗利山庄居住的故事。

  Tuhao once meant rich landowner -- the villainous landed gentry and class enemy of communist China's proletariat -- but the term's modern revival began with a popular joke that made its rounds on Chinese social media in early September. A young man asks a Zen master, "I'm wealthy but unhappy. What should I do?" The Zen master responds, "Define 'wealthy.'" The young man answers, "I have millions in the bank and three apartments in central Beijing. Is that wealthy?" The Zen master silently holds out a hand, inspiring the young man to a realization: "Master, are you telling me that I should be thankful and give back?" The Zen master says, "No … Tuhao, can I become your friend?"

  土豪旧指富有的地主——恶毒的有产乡绅,中国无产阶级同志的阶级敌人——这个概念重新走红,是由于9月初中国社交媒体上一个广为流传的笑话。一个青年人问禅师,“我很富有,却不开心。我该怎么办呢?”阐师答曰:“何谓‘富有’?”年轻人回答说,“我有千百万的银行存款,在北京中心城区有三套房子。这可以称为富有了吧?”禅师默然、握住青年人的手。青年醍醐灌顶似的顿悟道:“大师,您是想告诉我,我应该心存感恩,回报他人吗?” 禅师说,“不是……我是想说,土豪,我们可以做朋友吗?”

  This rather lame joke struck a chord with China's middle class, a rapidly expanding group that now numbers over 300 million. As a middle-class lifestyle grows increasingly normal, so has disdain for flaunted wealth. Many Chinese would now say they consider themselves the antithesis of tuhao -- educated, fashionable, and disdainful of conspicuous consumption.


  At the same time, Chinese live in a society where understanding tuhao is valuable, catering to tuhao taste is lucrative, and making tuhao friends is sensible. Multinational corporations understand this.


  Tuhao had their breakout moment on Sept. 20, when Apple introduced a gold version of the new iPhone 5s smartphone. Despite initial disbelief that Apple would indulge suchtackiness, the gilded phone has become insanely popular in China, where it is known -- even in state media headlines --as the "tuhao gold."


  每次这种网络新词的翻译,都能激起不少有趣的讨论。比如前些年,大家对于“不折腾”的翻译,就让人从多个侧面去认识这三个字到底指的是什么,是指"不要反反复"(Don't flip flop)、“不走岔路”(Don’t get sidetracked),还是"不要有什么大变化"(Don't start major changes)呢?后来有人翻作“No Z-turn”可谓音义俱佳,妙手偶得,但大部分情况下,不是所有的新词都能找到这样的对应。除了少数科技用语之外,语言和语言之间隔着文化几重山,只能类似而不能重合。有时候,外媒只是采用音译的办法,外加补充解释,以示中国特色。比如“城管”一词,在美国找不到对应的概念,所以就被一些美国记者直接说成“chengguan”。

  虽然土豪一词有被翻译成各种版本,如 country baron,newly rich, upstart,rural rich,vulgar tycoon,Beverly Hillbillies。但对于国内人来说土豪翻译成tuhao似乎更能被我们接受,因为本来土豪就带有浓浓的庸俗气息,直呼成tuhao应该也理所应当啊!
