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2016年05月13日13:18 来源:小站整理
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SAT阅读的五篇文章中,会有一篇文学类篇章,节选自美国文学或世界文学。文学类篇章在阅读的过程中要侧重三点:第一:follow the detail 注意细节;第二:understand the underlying message 理解文本隐含意思;第三:pay attention to how the author uses languages and literary techniques to convey that message 注意作者如何使用语言及文学技能传达隐含信息。

文学中常用的修辞手法 (Figurative language)

Alliteration 押头韵 eg. Snakers slither slowly on slippery surfaces.

Hyperbole 夸张 eg. I ate about ten tones of candy last Halloween.

Idioms 习语 eg. That's not exactly brain surgery. (也就是说that's pretty easy)

Onomatopoeia 拟声 eg. Moo. Whoosh! Meow.

personification 拟人 eg. As we approached the mouth of the cavern, it belched out a noxious breath, and its foul exhalation warned of a deadly distaste for intruders.

Metaphor 隐喻 eg. Luke was adrift on a sea of opportunities, with no current to direct his course.

Simile 明喻 eg. With the chilfren finally all away at school, Sally's home was as vast and empty as a starless sky.


文学中常用的人物刻画技巧 (Characterization)

Description 描述 eg. She wore an expensive business suit, diamond earrings, and an elegant gold watch.

Dialogue 对话 eg. He stammered, " W-would you, um, I mean, would you like to maybe, uh, go out with me sometime?"

Action 动作 eg. As the time drew closer to her audition, she reviewed her script over and over, biting her nails.

Internal speech 独白 eg. She smiled and thanked her boss, privately thinking that she was looking forward to the day she never had to see his smug face again.

Responses 回应 eg. When he walked into the guidance counselor's office, the secretary raised an eyebrow and said, "again?"

注意文学作品中的人物刻画,有助于理解文本如何塑造人物和人物间关系, 以及作者意图。

文学作品的结构 (The Structure)

Narrative: 叙述 focus on telling a story or describing events that happen in certain order. (描述事件发生过程)

Descriptive: 描述 focus on describing an important person, place, or thing in detail. (描述人物,场所或事物)

A mixture of Narrative and Descriptive Elements: 叙述,描述相结合 Descriptive elements in a narrative passage often provide additional details about an important figure in the story, while narrative elements in a descriptive passage often help characterize the subject that the passage is describing.(描述可以丰富人物细节,叙述有助于刻画人物形象)








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