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SAT写作素材之Community Service

2017年08月14日15:40 来源:互联网
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摘要:SAT写作素材的积累对于大家写好SAT写作文章的帮助非常大,所以大家在备考SAT写作考试的时候,一定要根据自己的实际情况选择经典流行的SAT写作素材进行了解和熟悉。下面就是关于Community Service的SAT写作素材的详细内容,供大家参考。

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SAT写作素材之Community Service图1

SAT作文题目SAT Essay Theme Topic – Community Service

The question is – should we pick what kind of community service we want to perform? Should community service be part of a human intention, ambition, calculated drive serving a bigger agenda and higher purpose? Among various forms of community service projects, are they the same? Between community service and work experience, which is more important and how do you decide to take on which?

What is community service? Community services performed by youth is also referred to as youth service. Youth service is intended to strengthen young peoples' senses of civic engagement and community, and to help them achieve their educational, developmental and social goals.

Youth service hours and/or projects is often required for advancement, e.g. for a Scout to advance to the next rank or for a high school student to graduate.

Service learning is the deliberate connection of community service to stated learning goals. A common misconception among educators, youth workers, and young people is the notion that service learning can be assigned. Several experts[who?] attest to the necessity of engaging youth in deliberating, planning, implementing, and reflecting on their community service, thereby sustaining high-quality service learning. This is intended to make community service an effective learning tool.

Example projects

Cleaning a park.

Collecting items for charity such as clothes, food, or furniture.

Getting involved with Habitat for Humanity

Cleaning roadside verges.

Helping the elderly in nursing homes.

Helping the local fire or police service.

Helping out at a local library.

Tutoring children with learning disabilities.

Cleaning nursing home gardens




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