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2018年03月29日19:00 来源:小站整理
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费米领导小组在芝加哥大学Stagg Field 建立人类第一台可控核反应堆(芝加哥一号堆,Chicago Pile-1) ,人类从此迈入原子能时代,费米也被誉为“原子能之父”。费米一生的最后几年,主要从事高能物理的研究。1949年,揭示宇宙线中原粒子的加速机制,研究了π介子、μ子和核子的相互作用,提出宇宙线起源理论。1952年,发现了第一个强子共振──同位旋四重态。1949年,与杨振宁合作,提出基本粒子的第一个复合模型。

Physicist, born on September 29, 1901 in Rome, Italy. The son of a civil servant father and a schoolteacher mother, Fermi studied at the University of Pisa from 1918 to 1922, where his precocity led him to often teach his teachers.


In 1926, while a lecturer at the University of Florence, he developed a new form of statistical mechanics to explain the theoretical behavior of atomic particles. Fermi also developed the theory of beta decay, which introduced the last of the four basic forces known to nature, the nuclear “weak force.? At the University of Rome, he and his colleagues unwittingly split the nuclei of uranium atoms by bombarding them with neutrons, thus producing the first artificial radioactive substances. Fermi thought that the atoms were not splitting, but emitting a new element. For this breakthrough, Fermi received the 1938 Nobel Prize in physics. The same experiment yielded Fermi’s most notable discovery: that slowing neutrons by passing them through a light-element “moderator?increased their effectiveness. This “slowing?process later allowed for the release of nuclear energy in a reactor.

1926年,他在佛罗伦萨大学任教时,发明了一种新的统计力学方法来解释原子粒子的理论行为。费米还开发了衰变理论,它介绍了自然界已知的四种基本力的最后一种,即核“弱力”。在罗马大学(University of Rome),他和他的同事们无意中通过用中子轰击铀原子的原子核,从而产生了第一种人造放射性物质。费米认为原子不是分裂,而是释放出一个新的元素。为了这一突破,费米获得了1938年诺贝尔物理学奖。同样的实验也产生了费米最引人注目的发现:通过一种发光元件来减慢中子的速度。增加它们的有效性。这种“放缓?随后的过程允许在反应堆中释放核能。

Fearing for the safety of his Jewish wife because of Mussolini's anti-Semitic legislation, Fermi went directly from the Nobel Prize presentation in Stockholm to Columbia University in New York City. In 1939, he and Leo Szilard designed the first nuclear reactor, which Fermi euphemistically called a “nuclear pile.? They moved this work to the University of Chicago in 1942, joining the Manhattan Project, the American-led effort to build the first atomic bomb.


On December 2, 1942, on the squash courts of the University of Chicago, Fermi presided over what the site’s commemorative plaque now calls “the first self-sustaining chain reaction and thereby initiated the controlled release of nuclear energy."?The pile ran for twenty-eight minutes and produced 200 watts of power, paving the way for the 1945 invention of the plutonium-based atomic bomb.


Fermi moved to Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1944 and attended the detonation of the first atomic bomb at the Trinity Test Site in the New Mexican desert. He estimated the force of the explosion by simply dropping scraps of paper in the wind and comparing their displacement before and during the blast. Despite his immeasurable contribution to the atomic bomb, Fermi opposed the development of the more powerful hydrogen bomb, calling it a “weapon which in its practical effect is almost one of genocide.? Fermi died of stomach cancer on November 28, 1954, in Chicago.







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