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2015年04月14日13:06 来源:小站整理
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In my four years of studying in Singapore,my English Drama Club changed me the most.

Passionate about drama, I joined the club in my very first year. I was extremely shy in front of the older students who had been acting since a young age and excelled in English. I still remember the first time we all sat in a circle and introduced ourselves; I wished that my turn would never come. After saying my name and grade, I apologized for my clumsy English. As I lowered my head with a hesitating “err” sound, not sure of moving on or just ending it there,I was struck by a wave of claps. To my surprise, the seniors who I esteemed the most were smiling and clapping for me, and I blushed.

One day before the club session started, Farah, the president, saw me coming in and called me over. Then she said the following that moved me so deeply: u Sherry! You know what, I love you. You are so brave. I really admire your courage and determination, and I love that passion of yours. Really,,I want to tell you that you are doing just fine! Don ’ t feel embarrassed or anything! We all love you, so just ask for help if you need any. ” Farah crushed the last wall to my perseverance and all the sunshine poured in like a warm flood. How could I not be stunned? Farah, star of the club! My idol! And she just said that she loved me! The way she said it was so sincere and loving, convincing me that it was by no means an empty encouragement or compliment to make me feel better. But indeed, what she said made me much more confident.

In my fourth year, I was happy to see that four junior Chinese scholars had joined the club. It was like a cycle: when I saw the four of them shying away and trying their best as the youngest and most inexperienced of the crowd, I saw my 16-year-old self. So, like what Farah did for me, I encouraged them and offered guidance in any way.

During the farewell session at the end of my fourth year, one of them ran up to me, held my hand and asked slowly, “ Are you leaving? ”


She bit her lip for a second, “ Erm. • • Can you stay? ”

“Awe•” 1 can,1.1,m graduating.”

Then she hugged me, “I really, really don’ t want you to go.",,

It cost me a life ’ s effort to hold back my tears and hugged her back.

I could feel her~how could I not? Every sound of her voice was carrying the kind of emotion that was so familiar to me, so much like my own when I had to see Farah go~~ “I,11 miss you…”

My four-year journey in the English Drama Club had completely changed my life. I became more confident, learned important skills, learned to act, and most importantly, became capable of inspiring others. I am also glad, and sure at last, I had become who I wanted to be.























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