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SAT saturday和sunday的区别和难度对比

2015年03月20日13:51 来源:小站整理
参与(1) 阅读(11140)
摘要:本文对SAT sunday真题和satruday真题进行了对比和分析,北美周六场的SAT考试难度难易度应该都差不多。而且collegeboard有一个巨大的题库,所有真题按照难易程度分为难、中、易三类,每次出题都是从题库中抽题,保证难易程度相当。希望大家看完本文能有所了解!

什么是sat sunday真题?

sat考试一般安排在周六,SAT考试一般在每年10月、11月、12月、1月、3月、5月和6月,而且美国各州考试日期相同。考试时间一般在周六,特殊情况下可以参加接下来周日的考试。总结历年SAT考试日期,基本按照如下规律:11月、12月、5月和6月的SAT考试一般安排在当月第一个周六;10月和3月的sat考试一般安排在当月第二个周六;1月的SAT考试安排在当月第四个周六(例外情况:如果Labor Day在9月5日之前,10月SAT考试日期会提前一周;如果复活节在3月30日之前,3月的sat考试日期也会提前一周),因为部分美国犹太孩子们星期日要去做礼拜,所以错过了SAT,他们再考的时候就叫sunday卷。



The "Saturday" test is the test taken by most students in North America.

The "Sunday" test is given in North America for students who have religious exemptions from Saturday testing.

The "International" test is the test given on Saturday outside of North America.

The tests are wholly different--any overlap in content would create opportunities for cheating.



Sunday Testing

You may only request Sunday testing if your religious observance prohibits your ability to test on a published Saturday test date, and this conflict is validated by an official clergy letter. Sunday testing is not available for individuals who would normally test on Saturday. Sunday test dates immediately follow each Saturday test date, unless there is a conflict with a religious holiday. Testing on both Saturday and Sunday is not permitted, and Sunday testing is not available in India or Pakistan.

If you are registering for Sunday testing for the first time, register by paper as follows:

Use code 01000 on your paper registration

Fill out a paper registration form. Make sure that you fill in 01000 for the test center code. Leave the second choice blank.

Submit an explanation of religious observance

Include a written and signed explanation from your cleric on letterhead from your religious institution, with your registration form.

Submit your registration by mail

Mail the registration, with proper payment and letter from your cleric:

No later than the postmark deadline date for regular registration if you are testing in the United States or U.S. territories or commonwealths.

In time to be received by the early registration deadline date if you are testing in an international location.

以上就是关于对SAT sunday真题的相关信息,提醒考生这是对有宗教信仰的考生的一个特殊政策。虽然解析是英文版的,但是并不难看懂。大家可以在操作的时候,参照具体的步骤更加有条理的进行。





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